— He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 04:12:15 )
I kept my piercings out for a week 'cause I had been wearing them for almost 2 years without taking them out.. it's weird how little pieces of metal can make you feel so different
— He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 04:15:23 )
My ears aren't stretched yet!! I might stretch the bottom-most piercings - they also didn't close up after that week, which is to be expected cause the newest ones are two years old now :3
I would absolutely fight a kangaroo after 4 energy drinks LOL
— He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 04:48:25 )
That's not as bad as I thought :0
I might look into it more, 'cause I've watched stretched lobes since I was 14 >w>
Also oh my gosh it's like, almost 11pm here??
Donator — they/them
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 04:59:54 )
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Querin: @xvz: putting this in a spoiler as it might be too creepy for some people
as an evnvy sinner you had to stand on a sort of balcony/jail in a smoke filled room with some 'stairs' up to a tunnel ( with a black dressed jumpscare ) envy sinners would all have blind eyes, messy hair and some nasty gren colored clothes on which seems to have been ruined ad bloodied up. when the guests entered he room one envy sinner would be on the ground screaming at the guests from a corner, while us on the balcony/jail we were usually 3.. we would try to get the guests to come close to us, when they got close enough that we could touch them we would touch their ears, jaw, hair and such whispering softly how beautiful it is, trying to bribe the guests into giving us their perfect part to be completely beautifule nough that Envy, ( in the room prior to our room ) would let us free. as the guests usually wouldnt get that we woud let more agrevated an raise our voices .. one example I recall was that one guest asked my role why I couldnt see, at which point I got him all close to me fake whispering " you see the b*** in the room you just came from? whos eyes do you think she is wearing? give me your eyes, you wont need them down her anymore anyway... GIVE THEM TO ME... LET ME GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT! I NEED THEM! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?? WHRE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?! GET BACK HERE, " * Insert aggressiv stomp here * " Dont..Don't leave me " * whimper as they enter the tunnel right before the jumpscare
if they stall too much we will try to guide them with gestures and sometimes pushing if the other group after them comes too close
omg! the touching is so intimate , i can't believe yall can be so touchy :0
it would be scary to have someone get that close to my face omg i can't believe ppl get that close to you lol
Donator — they/them
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 05:00:51 )
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ahh i just had game nite w some friends ^^ over video chat
we played catan which is a good way to ruin friendships lmao and then we played pictionary after as a cool down exercise lolol
Donator — they/them
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 05:04:20 )
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it's interesting to think abt how some ppl are more/less competitive :3
i think i like playing games for fun but i don't get too emotionally invested i think
Donator — they/them
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 05:20:20 )
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i hope overcooked like opens the door for more coop games ^^ they're really enjoyable and you don't have to worry about anyone getting upset Lol
like even if you're competitive you can be competitive about completing the level :3
it's so nice for like bonding and stuff, i really hope we see more of them
Donator — they/them
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 05:22:09 )
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hmm like i think portal had a coop mode? i can't remember how it worked but i remember playing it
and super mario odyssey has a version where one person plays mario and the other person plays his hat lol