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Forums Feedback Skin tones (specifically Quinn)

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/18 23:34:06 )
Lately I was part of a conversation in which people were discussing that they feel uncomfortable using a human skin tone on their avatar that’s different from their own skin. Which I personally agree with.

Although my avatar is not a representation of what I actually look like, and I often use non natural human colors for the skin; I’m nevertheless uneasy about using darker shades than my natural pale skin. I know avatars aren’t real, but if I equip an item with dark skin, I feel like I’m making a “black face” avatar. I feel gross and disgusting. I don’t want to be dramatic, but I have strong feelings about this.

The fact that typically items with skin showing comes in 3 basic tones for light, medium, and dark isn’t enough for some people. But I understand that you don’t want a million poses to scroll through. Plus all the extra time and effort to make and upload. 3 tones is completely fair!

Quinn’s leg pose comes in 1 skin tone for each color option. Meaning I only feel comfortable using 1 of the legs, because the other 2 are dark skin colors. The point of this whole thing (sorry it’s so long) is that I think it’s unreasonable to have any item that’s exclusive to certain people. And, it is exclusing based on race; pure and simple. That’s certainly not the intention, but that is the result.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/19 00:13:52 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strenth.. And nobility...

Personally speaking, I have no issue using the lighter based skin tones or even using bases darker than my own.
I feel the whole "blackface" issue should only arise is if you are using the darker skin tones to make harmful caricatures of different races.
With the anonymity of the internet no one truly knows what skin color you have behind the screen so I never look at an avi and go "This person is this race because they use that skin tone."
I like using various skin tones because some skins look better with different items and I don't want to limit myself to creating pretty things!
Like you said avatars aren't real! So IMO there really is no harm in making an avi you deem beautiful/fun/pretty/cute/etc that has a skin color different than your own!

I complete agree that the 3 skin-tone options are more than fair. There are so many different skin-types out there that not everyone is represented perfectly when it comes to cute little pixels such as avatars >w<;;
The generalization of the light, mid and dark tones, I feel, is a wide-enough scope to be inclusive to all.

Now from past experience with avi websites (not voltra never worked here.) the time it takes to color correct a pose to a certain color is pretty tedious. Depending on how big the team is here that does the work for it, it would take a considerate amount of time to make all poses include all skin-tone options.
In defense of the Quinn it seems like it's on older orb item?
There are release schedules for items and depending on the size of the team that was working when it was released, maybe just the simple inability to add all 3 skin-tones were just a solution to a shortness of time/staff?
Most newer items have the option for multiple skin-tones.
Maybe if the staff still has the older art files they can go back into them and add the extra tones now? Or slowly start to do that with items that lack the extra tones?
I agree that the items that have only 1 skin tone per color set is a bit unreasonable. I find it a little annoying ngl.

I'd personally love to see some poses with "fantasy" skin colors lol!
Some fantastical colored poses would give me more of an excuse to start using fun colors as bases for my avis :Y
This is all my honest opinion, nothing more =w=;;

Is always a prince.
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Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/19 00:36:07 )
@lina: i like to use all the skin tones.. some skin tones make colours look nicer than others.. thats why i would use them sometimes.. i never thought of it to be racist or "blackface" on another site im on avi currently has dark skin because it compliments the colour scheme better ^.^ if people got offended i wouldnt use them because i wouldnt want to offend anyone

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/19 00:53:28 )
Quinn is the only item I’m aware of that has multiple color options, and each comes in a single different skin tone. So, although it would take some time to make and add more skin tone options, it’s only 4 poses total I’m asking for. Not that it needs to be done immediately, or done at all... I just wanted to put the suggestion, and my feelings, out there.

Thanks for the information about the dyeing system, that sounds really cool.

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/19 01:00:59 )
@milkshake: I don’t know what an egirl is...
but actually I’ve been part of a similar conversation on multiple avatar sites and games for the last 15 years. The general consensus has been that as an avatar is a representation of the person, intentionally or not, some people have found it offensive when people use a skin color that isn’t their own. Which is why I won’t personally do it and why it’s a concern of mine. I don’t want to offend or upset people. Obviously people have different options, and everyone is welcome to their opinions. I’m just asking for the option to choose a skin tone instead of being forced into 1 tone if I want to use that item.

It’s not really related... but I have OCs of all colors and nationality. But that’s not the same thing... I’m sorry if you don’t understand the difference

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/19 01:34:39 )
Lilypoo: thank you for being open to my feedback. I totally understand if it’s not a manageable undertaking at this time.

Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/19 08:19:24 )
Just to be random and put my 2 cents in .. i would love.. the actual avatar skin from the movie avatar.. its so pretty :D

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/19 20:18:42 )

      I've made a similar thread about this in the past, regarding the race locked-ness of the Quinn item. You can view it here.

      To continue with it, though, I agree that it makes me uncomfortable to use a natural skin tone avi that does not align with my IRL race. I know some may say it's ridiculous, or reaching, or not be concerned with such things as they don't have any particular feeling towards it one way or another - and that is perfectly fine and acceptable... For them. For myself personally, and clearly the others who feel a similar way about this, it's not ridiculous at all.

      For example I feel no aversion to 'unnatural' skin tone bases, such as purple, red, green, etc. But with the default natural skin tone colors, I only feel comfortable in using the two lightest/whitest ones because I, myself, am white.

      I also understand where others are coming from in saying that 'it's only an avi' and 'not a representation of the individual' but I do not agree with it. I feel like my avi, in some shape and form, is very much a representation of who I am and I have always felt this way; and I have been part of avatar sites and communities for the last twelve-thirteen years. And as such it feels inauthentic to use a skin tone that does not match my own, and having race locked items - especially when there are multiple colors of an item but only one color per race - is very annoying because it limits what usage I can get out of an item I would otherwise use the hell out of. (Looking at Quinn man, I'm in love with it but the struggle.)

      I appreciate all the work the staff puts into this site and the items and generally everything else as well, but even having only three default skin tones available for a pose when there are actually six default tones feels even more limiting. Sure, three can be inclusive but not as inclusive as all six base colors.

      Now, I also don't expect a snap of the fingers and poof everything is available in all tones. Demanding immediate results is not my purpose here, just as it wasn't my purpose or intent with the original thread. Mostly I want it to be recognized that some inclusivity is not total inclusivity (as in 'all the default tones' and not 'every skin tone ever'). And referencing this far off dye system that's yet to present itself is also not helping. I understand it's a goal for the future of the site, but that was also the excuse given in my original thread two years ago.

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/19 22:37:08 )
Thank you Anarchist Beauty. I agree that Quinn is an amazing item! I’m constantly disappointed when I remember I can’t use certain colors.

I understand that the dye system is a priority and they don’t want to take the time to go back through every item to make them all have 6 skin tones available. It would be a big undertaking.
But hopefully in the future, items are available in at least the 3 basic skins so we don’t get another “Quinn”.

I’m only aware of Quinn having this problem, but I could be wrong. Hopefully if it is just Quinn it’s a small enough project they can fix it now.
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Voltie — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:39:42 )

I agree with you. There are some other items with this issue as well, such as Squidplay. Personally, I prefer to stick to the lighter skin tones since I'm white and don't want people to misunderstand my intent, so I think it's a bit unfortunate to have certain colors of items to be locked to only a light skin tone or only a dark skin tone.


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