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Forums Serious Talk Children?

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 04:41:59 )
How do you feel about children? Do you intend to have any? Do you already have any?

How do you feel about people who choose not to have them, or choose to have several?

Donator — Pokemon Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 05:03:24 )
I dont really get how someone could not like children.
Who doesn't like something small and adorable?

THOSE ARE KIDS. Yeah kids can be a fucking handful at times, but I mean to just meet a strange child in public and be like "EW A CHILD" is weird to me lol I dont get it.

I mean I get not wanting to have kids, but I dont get not liking children just cause they're children.

If that makes sense.

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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 05:13:07 )
I do like kids; kids are fine I just can't be around them for an amazingly long time because I am introverted and it just drains all my energy so fast. Having said that I do get on with kids quite well and my BIL and niblings ask me to play whenever we visit.

However, I don't want my own; I'm not maternal at all and when my hormones do flare it's kitties I want not children. I am too selfish and lazy for kids to be honest and I can't see my life being a happy one if I'm a Mum.

As far as other people having kids; as long as they aren't being born into poverty and the children are wanted and will be happy they can have at it.

@Elithiya: Yes, I wish it was normal for adoption to be the first line of having children over having IVF which doesn't always work and is quite costly too. I understand wanting your own child but coming from a broken family I don't think biological ties are important at all. If we were ever to change our minds and want a kid it'll be an adopted one for sure.

@Kawaii Slowpoke: I think kids in public are hilarious! I was in a shop the other day and a kid was just running up and down an aisle not really bothering anyone. When his Mum told his to stay still his answer was "I don't want to stay still!" in the most pouty voice ever. :vanora_xd:

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 07:34:19 )
Lol I don't like children, so it's definitely a thing. They're small, sure, but I don't find them adorable. I don't hate them by any means, and individual children can be cool, but given the choice to be around children or not, I'm gonna pick not. I'm definitely never having them, not only because I don't like them, but also because of any number of reasons including but not limited to: the cost, the lack of free time, the responsibility, the lack of identity, the global effect, the pain, the pregnancy part, overpopulation, etc.
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Voltie — Alien Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 08:05:00 )
I never really liked kids until I had my own kids. I've come to realize that you will never really be bothered by your own as much as other people's. But in the same sense it bothers you more, hard to explain. I don't think people who don't want kids, should be shamed for not wanting children. They are a huge responsibility and completely life altering. To each their own. Some people want big families, some people don't want children at all. I'm happy with the two I got, for now. Live life your own way. :vanora_smile:

Voltie — Cat Queen Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 13:39:16 )
I want a kid one day but right now i have three cats which are enough stress in terms of taking care of. I don't dislike the idea of having them. I'm just terrified of the money that'll be needed and what if they have a disability like me?

Voltie — He/They Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 22:37:57 )
I'm not a fan of children, though it more depends on the parent than the child. All of the children I've been around have been raised by my siblings and family members... so they're all brats who misbehave, for the most part. As someone with a lot of anxiety issues and stress, being around kids who scream and are unpredictable is very awful. It would take a rare, quiet kid for be to enjoy the company of (aka my youngest niece).
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Donator — Monster Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 23:26:03 )
The first time I actually thought about having kids was with my current partner; every other person I've ever dated I knew if we lasted I wasn't going to have kids but this one? Probably. <3
For me I won't have my own unless the genes that are passed are good enough; I have a slow metabolism, I have PCOS, things that are hereditary and that I don't want my children to have to deal with like I am. But my partner's got decent genes and absolutely loves children so I'm pretty sure if we stay together we're having kids haha.

As far as other people's kids go, it's a hit or miss for me. I've worked in retail for over five years and you see them all. I've had kids that make my heart melt, and little brats who I wanted nothing to do with except to get them to stop running around the bloody store. ._. I've literally started complimenting people on their children's good behaviour because I feel like the parents deserve as much of a reward as the child. (Yes I know sometimes these misbehaving kids have disorders that make them more rambunctious but I can tell them apart from the ones who are genuinely butts).

Donator — she, her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 04:53:42 )
I do want children and it will take me a lot of work and money to have my own.
My three younger sisters are adopted and due to personal reasons I choose ( am choosing) not to adopt.
In my situation I would like my children to have both parents DNA which is not currently applicable with science, but it's getting there.
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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 05:03:15 )
I am another who does not like children. I have always struggled to even know how to act with kids even just a few years younger than me through school, and I've always sort of gravitated to older people? So even though I have nieces and nephews, [15, 5 and 6 months] I have absolutely no idea how to act with any of them so I do my best to never be left in a room alone with them xD The one exception is my goddaughter, also 6 months - my best friend asked me to be godmother and I really could not say no, maybe because I have more of a relationship with that friend than my siblings and their children.
I do NOT intend to have any myself, and even if I did, I would have to have my partner have them or adopt, and as an asexual dating an asexual, the first will definitely not happen xD
I guess I also have what some people might think is a selfish view too, in that it is my life, and I struggle to enjoy it enough as is without having to look after someone else for 18+ years. It's my life to do as I wish with and raising kids is just not something I see the appeal in, but good on people who do 'cause obviously, we wouldn't be here if everyone was like me >_>

Other people though, as long as you can support them and look after them correctly, do what you want, as long as it is what you want ^^

Donator — She/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 06:17:53 )
I'm a person who really likes children and wants to have some of my own. My fiancé and I want two, one of our own and one that we will adopt. I myself am adopted and really want to be able to do the same for another child that my parents did for me. :)

However, I don't hold it against anyone who doesn't want to have children. Children are A LOT of responsibility, work, and money, and sometimes people's priorities are different. I don't think it's selfish at all - it's just a different choice in life.

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Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 04:36:45 )
I am not particularly a fan of children as is. I had never really planned to have one of my own, until one day, I decided to have one. He is my greatest joy and on the flip side he can be the biggest pain in my ass. I don't regret the decision to have him though.

I can't say I have any thoughts about people who decide not to have any or have a dozen. There are many deciding factors for a decision like that and I have no place to to pry or question. I only hope if they decide to have a dozen they will have the ability to raise them well.

To each their own.
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Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 12:40:12 )
Honestly, I hate kids. They're obnoxious and they give me a headache. HOWEVER, I am still nice to them when I have to be. But if it's just a kid saying hi when I walk past on the sidewalk, I generally ignore them.

As for people who don't have kids, that's fine by me. I don't want them and will never have any. It's a personal choice.
Same with people who have a lot of kids. As long as they are able to take proper care of them, then what business of mine is it whether they have 1 or 10?

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 13:47:26 )
I must say, I like kids as long as they're raised correctly, some arn't do to some mothers who have so many, and
just letting the older kids, watch over the younger ones. instead of having fun and being kids themselves.

I understand why some women don't wanna have kids, health reason wise. but to hate, or dislike kids, is
another thing, I must say that we were all kids at one point, we were all annoying, and loud at one point.
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Voltie — Moody Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 13:52:07 )
Some kids are absolute nightmares, while some are sweethearts.
Like some of my cousins kids I am just like "Nooooo." cause they are really loud and noisy.
but the kids I met that are my cousin's fiance's cousins are so nice and sweet and not super loud.

But I do want kids of my own one day. In the future. Not super far but not super near lol.
I love kids. And I always enjoy helping kids. Like i get compliments from kids on the dresses i wear[i wear floral or super
pattern cute dresses] and when they compliment me i am heart is melting lol.

Some kids I do like It just really depends how the behavior of some kids act if that makes any sense??
I do not like bratty kids. :c

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Donator — - Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 16:13:48 )
Growing up, I hated children. Absolutely could not stand them. I told my parents not to expect grandchildren from me and even went as far as saying I would rather die than have children. I wasn't careful and my late wife and I ended up conceiving our first. Wasn't happy one bit about it. But then my daughter was born and I held her in my arms for the first time and this will seem really sappy but it was kind of amazing to see how my late wife and I had created something so perfect and wonderful. Being a first time parent is stressful af but I realized how it made me feel like I was worth something for once, which is a feeling I had wanted my entire life. I knew I wanted more. Still, I didn't really intend to have 11 children. To be fair, there were only 8 pregnancies. I have a set of twins and a set of triplets.

But yeah, being a parent isn't for everyone and I just got lucky that I ended up really enjoying fatherhood. : )

Donator — buzzbuzz Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 16:30:32 )
As a teen / younger i hated kids, but i feel like most teens did? As I got older I started to enjoy a child's company, maybe because it's more pure and honest than any other age's company haha
I think little children are wonderful, teens scare me tbh LOL
I think i might have kids one day, i'm more scared of the birthing part though xD But as a kid when my mom had my sisters, i loved taking care of them, and seeing my sister's grow in front of me makes me proud to be their sister! Seeing all the things they can do now, and how they both have their own mind and thoughts and just it's so cool~
I don't know if i'd ever have 3 kids like my mom did, maybe one LOL. or two. depends xD

people who don't want kids, i understand completely. Sometimes they have such a busy life that they can't do kids at the same time, and that's fine, or sometimes they just don't want to have to stop their life for a kid, or maybe they just don't see it like other's do, which is also very fine. But sometimes I feel as if adults who don't have children, never learn how to talk to someone. Like, as in I find them to be more rude/ unkind to others. They tend to not understand most times if you're busy , they want time with you at all times.
They kinda act like... spoiled? i dont want to sound mean at all, but the ones i know who haven't had kids or didn't have to take care of their siblings when they were younger i feel, don't know how to be a kind person. Children imo, make you see things way differently, and they turn your rough edges soft, and balance you out as a person c:



Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 06:09:29 )
but to hate, or dislike kids, is
another thing, I must say that we were all kids at one point, we were all annoying, and loud at one point.

On this point I would just like to say that yes. I was a kid once. I wasn't particularly fond of myself then either plus, I was a kid. You know, doing kid things like...sitting in my room and reading or....sitting in my room and reading.
But my adult self doesn't have to deal with my child self. As an adult, our views are generally much different than they used to be.

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 10:07:06 )
I have such conflicting views about children. On one hand, I can't stand them. They're like ignorant little asshole parasites who care for nothing more than themselves. They can be so cruel sometimes. But then, my softer side kicks in, as well as my mothering instincts. I remember how they don't know any better; I remember their profound capacity for love and an understanding for which we don't give them credit. I think about nurturing this little human, and teaching them about the world, and then setting them loose and watching them make their way through the universe. To create an entirely new human being, essentially from scratch--once again, something which ignites rather polarised feelings within me.

Eventually I'm sure I'll be popping out a kid. Hopefully not too many cause my family seems to be hella fertile. c':
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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 13:37:27 )
I'm not really a fan of interacting with children until they've reached the age where they can be reasoned with. Unfortunately, the time any given human being reaches that point is infinitely variable. :P

Once they've reached that point, then I'm fine interacting with them, at least as much as other people - I'm an introvert (at least in person), and I'm quite happy just sitting alone, doing my own thing, for hours on end. I've found kids tend to have much more energy, though, so they exhaust me earlier than others do, on average at least.

I don't plan to have kids myself, for many reasons. For one, sometimes I'm a bit lax on taking care of myself (especially in the eating department, whoops)... I don't need the additional pressure of having to care for someone else. For another, I worry about the future. The world as I see it isn't really a place that I'd want to raise a child in. I believe we're reaching a tipping point in our society, and I wouldn't want to risk bringing someone into this world if it's going the wrong way. And, more selfishly, I like my peace and quiet. A kid isn't very conducive to that.

I'm quite fine with people who want kids, though. I just feel that they really... aren't for me. Who knows, though. Something might end up changing my mind.

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