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Forums Role Playing Ana's OC Ask Thread - open!

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:22:24 )

A well organized place to keep track of my OC's and also give others the opportunity to help me flesh them out a little more!

So feel free to look around and ask whatever kind of questions you like. All questions will be answered in character and I take absolutely no responsibility for any amount of snark or sass you may receive. They have minds of their own. ;P

All tumblr blogs have full character sheets plus any number of previously answered questions.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:22:52 )

This section will be my teenage Harry Potter Universe themed characters.

Hogwarts Characters
Name: Ellaia Elizaveta Krum
Pronunciation: x
Age: 16
Notes: Little sister to Viktor Krum, older twin to Emiliya, Durmstrang transfer, Drama Queen, control freak
tumblr: ellaiakrum
Active RP's: Hogwarts RolePlay (links to Sapherna)

Name: Emiliya Rosalinda Krum
Pronunciation: x
Age: 16
Notes: Little sister of Viktor Krum, younger twin to Ellaia, Durmstrang transfer, the shortest temper you've ever seen, doesn't tolerate anyone's bullshit
tumblr: emiliyakrum (full character sheet)
Active RP's: Hogwarts RolePlay (links to Sapherna)

Name: Liliana Summer Knight
Age: 16
Notes: Halfblood, flower princess, has a pet fox named Princess, bisexual af
Active RP's: n/a
Basic Information
Full Name: Liliana Summer Knight
Nicknames: Lily
Age: 16
Birthdate: July 24th
Zodiac: Leo
Gender: female
Height: 5' 7"
Build: Slender
Sexuality: bisexual
Blood Status: halfblood
Mother - Alicia Knight (muggle), little known fashion designer. Mostly makes clothes for her family and a small boutique she owns.
Father - Roman Knight (wizard), was an auror for the Ministry before being very well framed for leaking government secrets to outside sources. Currently on his third year of a ten year sentence in Azkaban.

Personality: enthusiastic, imaginative, optimistic, warmhearted
Likes: theater, vacations, bright colors, friends
Dislikes: being ignored, difficult situations, rude people
Strengths: creative, warm-hearted, humorous
Weaknesses: impulsive, stubborn, lazy

Year: Sixth
House: Gryffindor
Pet: Red fox, female, "Princess"
Wand: 11" Holly wood, unicorn hair core
Best Class: Transfiguration
Worst Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Patronus: Black Stallion
Boggart: -
Amortentia: -

Under construction...

Name: Vanessa Duncan
Age: 14
Notes: Upbeat and happy, bold and outgoing, doesn't want your compliments, doesn't like math, her hair is prettier than yours and she doesn't even try
Active RP's: Hogwarts RolePlay (links to Sapherna)
Full Name: Vanessa Duncan
Nickname: Vee
Age: 14
Birthday: July 7
Gender: Female
Height: 4' 11"
Sexuality: Asexual/demi

Blood Status: Muggleborn
Year: 4
House: Gryffindor
Pet: Pygmy Puff named Waffle
Best Class: Muggle Studies
Worst Class: Arithmancy
Wand: Cedar Wood, Dragon Heartstring, 12 3/4"
Patronus: -
Boggart: -
Amortentia: -

Determined: Once her mind is set on something she does whatever she can to get to that goal. Refuses to let anyone or anything change her mind.
Blunt: Doesn't like to beat around the bush, isn't afraid of admitting something or telling you off. Doesn't waste words,
Playful: She looks mature but she's still a 14 year old kid who loves to mess around and goof off whenever she can.
Bold: Confident in her choices, unafraid to express herself or defend herself or friends, courageous
Likes: Windy days, sports, card tricks
Dislikes: Appearance based compliments, sex jokes/references, being told what to do

Background: Raised in a muggle family Vanessa was ignorant of any and all forms of magic until the day she got her Hogwarts letter. She hadn't ever even had an inkling or incident of accidental magic use before then but when she got her letter she accidentally lit it on fire in her excitement scaring her parent half to death.
Her parents were reluctant to send her away for school because she was their only living child, having suffered a still born child (Emilienne) when Vanessa was seven made her parents not want her to go anywhere too far away from them for so long but Vanessa spent the months leading up to the start of her first year at Hogwarts begging her parents to at least give her a chance to go for awhile. In the end they agreed only because they were afraid Vanessa would never be able to control her magic on her own.
Now three years and an adopted baby boy (Lucas James) later Mr. and Mrs. Duncan were happy to let Vanessa go to school and were almost excited at the prospects that maybe their adopted son would follow her when he turned eleven.

Growing up no one would have guessed that Vanessa would hit puberty so hard, especially since most of the women in her family didn't start developing until they were in their early teens. But Vanessa started to mature before even hitting double digits. Her first year at Hogwarts she was frequently mistaken for a 3rd or 4th year and even now the younger kids thought she was a 5th or 6th year.
It was something that concerned her parents and eternally pissed Vanessa off. She hated the attention she got from the maturity of her appearance, and not just because of older guys trying to hit on her in creepy ways. She never wanted to have the attention of guys or anyone really. She just wanted to have fun, play sports, and live her life. The constant attention made her start to hate her appearance and now refuses to take even the simplest of compliments from anyone, even her own parents.
Instead she does everything in her power to hide her body and vehemently calls out anyone who tries to compliment her looks always shouting out that she's only 14 to make sure everyone around her knows what's going on.

She only has a few close friends at Hogwarts but mostly because a lot of other kids seem to be afraid of her in some way, not because she's mean but because she has a strong and loud personality and it gets misconstrued as something else.

Ilvermorny Characters
Name: Wednesday McAllister
Age: 15
Notes: Energetic and open minded, loves learning even most basic little facts, despises Rappaport's Law due to being a halfblood, has a pet serval named Charlie
tumblr: wednesdaymcalister
Active RP's: Second Chances (links to Sapherna)

Name: Isabelle Whitmore
Age: 15
Notes: Fun loving, flirtatious, raging lesbian. Disorganized, closet genius, loyal as hell. Her cat is prettier than us all.
tumblr: isabellewhitmore
Active RP's: Second Chances (links to Sapherna)

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:23:18 )

This section is for adults of the Harry Potter Universe.

Name: Ellaia Krum
Age: 27
Notes: -Broke up with Jasper before she graduated
- Graduated top of her class
- Went on to work at the Ministry as a History Researcher
- Currently unhappily engaged to 31yr old Curse Breaker Andrew Burke
Active RP's: The EXpedition (links to EX)

Name: Emiliya Callaghan (nee Krum)
Age: 27
Notes: - Graduated from Hogwarts to go on to be a Curse Breaker, then Potioneer for the Ministry
- Married high school sweetheart Finn Callaghan, they have 2 little girls (ages 5 & 3) and are expecting a boy (6mo pregnant)
Active RP's: n/a

Name: Unknown; referred to in text as 'X'
Age: 26
Notes: Asexual as hell, doesn't have time for your gendered/heteronormative bullshit, extraverted as hell, understanding, lovable, extra cuddly, loves the ocean more than anyone ever should
tumblr: toofabuloustobemortal
Active RP's: n/a

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:23:45 )

This section is for other, non-themed, or 100% original characters.

Name: Acacia Lynn Marvell
Pronunciation: x
Age: 19
Notes: Princess of the fantasy country of "Virindia", on the asexual spectrum, likes adventures a little too much.
tumblr: acacialynn
Active RP's: n/a

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:24:21 )

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 11:15:33 )
Being as you're answering questions from the perspective of these characters, and this isn't a discussion of your writing or existing content, I'll move this to the roleplay forum where it belongs. ^^
Luna Chandra
Please let me exchange goods and/or services for art. <3

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 11:24:12 )

@Slytherclaw: The official verdict came in? lol


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/17 13:02:06 )



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