@sunny: please do blush you deserve the praise! How is the writing going?
@0v7: interesting. What kind of site is DV - is it a pet collection?
@DevilkinBoi: good morning!
— He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/2 15:07:43 )
@Bonnie: It's an avatar & pet site!! Boris and I originally joined for the avatar aspect, but since you can make your own custom accessories for pets, we stayed for that :3 It's pretty fun, even though the current event is timer based and really hard to get to the top tier :D
I do still prefer Voltra's avatars though, so I hardly use Dappervolk for that >w>
@0v7: gotcha! I usually only really like to make avatars. But it does sound like fun! I’m not really an intense gamer person. But voltra’s avatars are soooooo cute!
— He/Him
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/2 15:23:33 )
@Bonnie: I really appreciate the time put into Voltra's avatars - I tried the style myself and it's hard to replicate >w>
Plus, the arm/leg mods Voltra has are amazing!!!