🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈
@xvz: our district has virtual or in person school. i refuse to let my son go to in person school. there is no plan in place on the district, state, or national level that gives me enough peace of mind.
@LilMissKushy: i am trying and would like to, but to be honest, i don't post enough. with writing papers, texting my friends, and discord lol by the time I do get to Voltra, I am tired of typing lol. I post here and there and I figure I'll get what I can.
@star2000shadow: my life is good. it is full and busy which can be frustrating, but otherwise it is good. my bills are paid, my son is happy and healthy and to me, that is all that matters. I am swamped with his schoolwork and my own but tbh my partner is a huge help and I'd be lost without his contributions.