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Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 07:32:39 )
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hi, im vess.

i'm currently homeless in oregon and dont have internet regularly!
i'm in ohio right now, still technically homeless, but crashing at someones house! i really like having people to talk to when i'm able to be online, so i'm hoping to use this as a way to keep people updated w/ whats going on with me and to just kinda have conversations every now and then.

feel free to chat! i'm pretty chill even though i'm constantly goin thru rough times

just dont start sounding like a fascist or like yr fascist adjacent and we're probably good

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Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 07:32:46 )
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about me:
im 26, Indigenous, queer & trans (he/they). libra sun, gemini moon, scorpio rising
i'm disabled and autistic and its a big part of what i talk about! i'm a survivor of lifelong trauma and i've put a lot of work into who i am now and i wanna be around people who are working on doing the same. i have a hard time not being intense bcus of autism but i just really like having deep conversations with people. im bad at small talk
i have a cat named ursula mayonnaise thats being watched by some friends, and i live in a van named milkshake.
and i have my cat with me and i'm housed for the time being :')
i'm very into:
disability rights, weed, the decolonization of food & food politics, outsider art, communism, graphic design, being a dumbass, poetry, surrealism, dreams/nightmares, psychedelics, frogs, fashion, researching

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Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 07:32:53 )
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lost a squat that me, my partner & a friend were staying at cause someone called the cops. THEN had the cops called on me for legally parking at my friends house in a ~nice neighborhood~ -- the cop put his hand on his gun and be intimidating cause im autistic. the cop only left once my partner showed up and completely changed his demeanor lol
(9/8) my partner got a rotten tooth pulled and we got donated money to have an airbnb for their recovery, we got to take a really nice bath together in a huge tub (even though the power went out cause of the fires), and we've been able to eat together sometimes which we werent able to do when i couldnt eat any food recently. started watching rick n morty.
(9/9) at a diff airbnb now, had some testing done to see what was wrong w my stomach n then i helped my partner thru a seizure. im stressed out
(9/12) crashing at a friend's friend's house to get out of the smoke. i keep having bad asthma and feeling really out of it. my stomachs been hurting rly bad

10/6 was my birthday! i turned 27 in baker city oregon trying to drive across the country to ohio. on the 7th my partner was hospitalized and had to go to the ER by ambulance. we got a place ticket for the 11th to go to ohio to crash with my partner's friends so we can rest and try and recover from being homeless once we realized we were too sick to drive

in ohio now, trying to find somewhere to live since the situation here feels toxic and tense. also trying to set up doing a fundraiser to raise money and then continuously get money donated to us

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Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 07:32:59 )
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things i wanna do:
customize my clothes
finish my book
get stickers & dashboard knick-knacks for the van
make something with clay
play a videogame
read a book

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Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 07:33:11 )
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ok one more reserved just in case

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Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 07:33:26 )
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~ open ~

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Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 08:12:37 )
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i love being in an airbnb right now its so nice

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 08:23:00 )
@vessel: hey there been homeless a few times myself with pallamillitries putting me out of my home for smoking weed and accused me of selling it .. anywho.. i feel for you and ur partner going through it.. and then other things on top of that.. police are just bullying assholes and clearly dont understand autism.. i seen it on Facebook that they shot a little boy with autism.. not sure how true that is tho as the internet can lie as well.. you guys seem to be having a really tough time.. i wish you's the best and i hope things get better... i used to love customising my clothes and using my old clothes to make barbie clothes when i was wee xD i love anything arty and creative

Voltie — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 13:53:35 )
"The future must know where you've been."

Hey!! What kinda video games are you thinking of playing?

"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 15:18:19 )
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@LilMissKushy: i heard about that kid too, its real! he was shot 7 times after his mom called the cops on him for having an autistic meltdown while she was at work. i cant imagine calling the police on anyone let alone my own kid
and thank u for ur well wishes <3 it sucks how many people have to go thru so much shit just so priviledged people can feel kushy.
also i loooove dolls and doll fashion lmao. i got some shirts to crop for myself though and one of my new friends loves to make clothes so im gonna try and design something for them to make for me at some point

@0v7: tbh i really want kynseed or some topdown aRPG that has a big world and big lore. but also i want something simple that i can just pick back up every now and then when i have time to play games

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Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 15:19:23 )
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i slept on the couch last night at this airbnb and my body is sooo sore

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 15:34:51 )
@vessel: oh my goodness that is absolutely heartbreaking I was hoping it was fake news.. how can anyone do that on any child .. some people don't deserve kids.. and shame on the police for Doing that to an innocent child..poor boy I hope he makes a speedy recovery..

I love anything to do with fashion.. I used to steal my mum and sisters clothes to make lots of dresses and skirts and boob tubes and stocking for my dolls u can imaging the drama I caused lmao used to love making my own jewellery as well and knitting and crocheting

My mum got me a sewing machine from a charity shop I really want to make stuff but I keep forgetting to unpack it and see what it needs for parts etc .. u should definitely design something for ur friend to make for u.. don't forget to show us when they make it is would love to see it ^.^

Voltie — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 16:25:16 )
"The future must know where you've been."

@vessel: Oh my gosh, Kynseed looks so fun!!! I'd try the early access, if I was any good at fighting-adjacent games >w>

"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Voltie — he/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 16:53:54 )
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@LilMissKushy: yeah im praying for him u__u poor kid
thats so cool that u have all that experience in sewing and making doll clothes! itd be cute to make toys & accessories for kids to donate but COVID probably would make that hard :'(
i just started getting into dressing up more in person since i used online dress up games like this and IMVU to experiment with fashion, i didnt have access to anything and mostly got hand me downs from my parents or other family/friends. i wish i had gotten into sewing! i think itd be dope if u started making more stuff, u could take pics and post it for everyone to see

@0v7: yeah my main issue is that i dont have time to pirate stuff and games are always too much money for me to spend unless theyre like. under 3 dollars

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Voltie — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/09/10 16:58:38 )
"The future must know where you've been."

@vessel: Games are all so expensive @_@ I can't remember the last time I actually bought a game with my own money - they're usually gifted to me via a friend >w>;

"The past predicts the state you're in!"

Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/09/10 19:26:17 )
@vessel: yeah me too I hope he goes to a family member that will look after him properly it would be sad if he had to go back home to his mum...

My nanny taught me how to crochet and knit when I was 10.. so I would sit like a wee nerd in my nans house and crochet doilies and knit teddy's but I loved it ...still do just haven't done it in a while lol

I'm always looking for avatar games I like to see all the different items and clothing ... cus there was 4 of us we all swapped clothes and had hand me downs lol my mum works in a charity stuff so any designer stuff that still has the tags on them she brings me them home xD

Voltie — he/they Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/09/11 00:03:53 )
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@0v7: i need me some friends like that again. most of my games were also gifted to me lmao

@LilMissKushy: awww crocheting sounds relaxing! i started doing some embroidery last year but i havent gotten back into it yet cause of all the stree

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Voltie — he/they Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/09/11 00:04:10 )
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the smoke here in portland is killing me

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Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/09/11 02:29:48 )
"The future must know where you've been."

I'm gonna kick the smoke's butt >:O

"The past predicts the state you're in!"
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.

Voltie — he/they Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/09/11 04:32:37 )
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pls destroy the smoke

my friends who are watching my cat are evacuating cause of the smoke n theyre taking my cat w them so she'll at least be ok
we have another airbnb tomorrow cause when i was outside even a little bit i started not being able to breathe and got lightheaded

also i ate today and my body regrets it

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pm me if u wanna donate 2 my living funds

┋ 𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐒 ┋ 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱 ┋ 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 ┋

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