Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/09/28 23:18:50 )
Yes, teachers want you to show your work. But they also want you to write out step by step explaining how to got to the answer. Or after each math problem, you wrote out the answer in word form. Example: "four thousand nine hundred and twenty seven".
This was usually for simple problems like 13 x 379 = 4,927.
They would also occasionally put down a wrong equation such as, 14 x 389 = 4,927. Then you had to write three or four sentences explaining why the problem was wrong.
Though my high school math teacher was a bit extreme. She gave us these packets that she created herself. The packets were half an inch thick simply because she insisted the we draw graphs and write a essay on every question. The packets still followed the common core so there was no problem with that.
Needless to say I wouldn't write at my paragraph or draw my graphs on every single problem. This is why I failed maths.