Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
Ok so National Novel Writing Month is coming up and I have three weeks to buckle down and actually start brainstorming. I actually started to brainstorm bach in march but in mid-august our landlord after 26 years of never hearing from her made a visit and fired the company we been renting threw all these years hired a new one and then terminated our year contract and told us we had to be out by October (we know we could of stayed but after all the rules she made we couldn't deal with it..... example having a deck but couldn't use underneath it as storage nor have anything on it like a table or chairs ) so after the move and everything i lost interest or memory of the original thoughts due to the rush of everything. Now that i'm pretty much settled in and actually having amazing neighbors (our housing area has a Facebook page and people actually look out for each other like miss placed packages and helping each other out) . So i remembered a creepypasta i read which parts bothered me but... that's another story.... But it was pretty much an origin story of a new urban ledge ..... Would anyone be interested in a story like that?.... Like a novel setting up creating an urban legend that may or may not lead to a squeal?
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.