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Forums Serious Talk Ghosted by a job?

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/14 17:34:17 )

I am a mess of anxiety right now.
STORY TIME for context

Sunday night while I was at my retail job, thinking about how much I am sick of my retail job, and how annoying its been after I graduated my college and sent off my application to take the state exam so I can legally work as a massage therapist, but they didn't even start processing the application until a month later--end of last week.
I got a text message from someone saying that they found my resume that I had uploaded on one of them job sites. She was like, hey I went to the same school as you in the past, and I want to hire you on my team! She had some positions in mind, considering I'm only certified and can't work as a therapist yet.
Of course I'm like sure, I'd love to interview.
She asked if I can do it the very next day, in the early afternoon.

I joined my interview, was greeted very warmly by this lady. She's very lovely, sounded very excited. We did bond over our shared experiences and having the same mentors.
But the interview was pretty unprofessional, even if it was friendly. I couldn't ask most of my questions because she would never pause for me to get a word in. I had to kinda cut her off a couple of times to at least ask what the wages are and such, but there's still so much more I need to know.

She had two positions that could keep me busy until I can take my state exam, one of them is a receptionist position, the other one I'm not sure how legal it is. It sounded like something that she might pay me under the table for (I DID make it clear I'm not licensed), but it was to massage the team that she has. I want more information on that but, again, I couldn't ask questions cause it was hard to speak. She also offered paid training in modalities that are practiced there, which is amazing to me. But that bit is definitely for after I'm licensed so I don't get slapped in the face by COMTA.

She didn't ask me any questions beyond scheduling.

She introduced me to a lady who would train me for receptionist, something I can do to get out of retail and start learning the business I'll be working in (this being by my choice and agreement). That lady very plainly did not want to.
It was awkward, but I felt that she had good reason and it wasn't personal or against me. It was just... One person was saying "you can do both!" and the other was like "you can't do both cause I said so"
Despite what I was agreeing to do, she probably didn't think I would be truthful in working a receptionist position on the side of doing massage after I'm licensed. She didn't want to train me for 4 weeks for me to turn around on her. PEOPLE IN CO ARE FLAKY, I GET HER LOGIC.
So that's alright, in the end we all agreed to hold off on that.

That encounter was brief, and then the interviewer lady brought me to the front, introduced me to everyone saying that I'll be joining the place. Confirmed I was hired, said she was very excited to start working with me and gave me a hug before I left. That last part sounds strange but I think she was just excited about the school I attended, there's a weird kinship that develops there. Small place and all. I get it.

Anyway, she agreed to keep in touch this week and gave me her number so I can follow up on my exam dates once I know, and also she would need me to come back and fill out paperwork to cover formalities (I planned to ask my questions then, writing them down beforehand and just being kindly assertive. I didn't have enoguh time to write my questions for the interview, was so short notice). Oddly enough, as soon as I got in my car to go home I got an email to schedule my exam. I can't do it until Nov 9th cause most dates are booked, but thats OK.

I texted her that, and no response.
The next day I texted her another thing she needed, and I kind of slipped a little question about the team massages. No response.
Its another day and I dunno what to assume.
She wanted to start me with something asap, but then maybe she realized we would be dancing a fine line, I just wish there was a little communication to know what the plan is. :vanora_sweat:
And when she wants me to fill stuff out, and when can I have my questions answered. When can I ask them, actually. I'unno, silence makes me feel cautious af cause I've had a job go so far as to have me fill out the proper paperworks and be hired, only to flake out on me.

I dont like not knowing plans.
Makes me feel like I might get dropped.


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/14 17:52:56 )

Oh! The update on the Texas thing is I have to wait longer for it (I'm still visiting at the end of this month tho, very excited). There were a couple of financial and other setbacks. Especially the one where I can't even work there as a massage therapist until I have my license here for 6 months. But then I was offered a REALLY good deal from my school to take the advanced classes (basically become an official "expert" in the field-- possibly get paid more) for VERY cheap tuition. I couldn't say no, I wanted to take half of the classes anyways xD
So it'll take one more year.

In the meantime, I need a job that will pay me (and to keep massaging). My retail job is screwing the entire team over so much. I went from a decent pay check where I could save, to I almost can't afford to even eat this week. :vanora_stunned: Let alone fill my car with gas so I can go find my mom a bday present for tomorrow--which I also can't afford.

In any case, I do have suspicions that maybe she's wanting to wait until I'm licensed to even bother with the paperwork and she's just not the type to be responsive maybe? I hope that's all it is!
I'm not the type to spam someone's phone. But at the same time, if I'm not 100% certain and another job reaches out with clearer terms, I can't promise to stick with her.


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/14 18:17:34 )

Yeah it does suck for sure. But things happen for a reason. Maybe now isnt the right time cause the world is a little chaotic at the moment. So all these things fall into my lap to say "hey, wait a second"

I also started dating someone very recently and his dreams and goals line up very closely with mine. The timing for when he wants to leave Colorado would also be the same as mine. So at the end of my course, I'll start planning my move (and I'll have more savings by then since I'll definitely have a license sorted) and it'll be easier. Plus I might not be doing it all alone? lol


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/14 18:21:44 )

Also noting, I get a couple months off from my classes mid next year (just the way the schedule lines up for my specific classes)
so assuming I'm in a better financial spot next year, I can take vacation!


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/14 18:52:10 )

I cannot tell you how excited I was/am about this partner. We've been together about a month now, but when we FIRST started dating, I wanted to make the point to tell him I wont be staying in CO eventually and explain to him my dreams and goals. I may compromise with WHERE I go, but I will never again compromise NOT to go, yknow?
Before I could get that out, he started to tell ME that HE doesn't want to stay here, and of his 3 options, one was to go back to Wisconsin where he's from, or his "reach for the stars" dream (as he puts it) to go to this major fancy uni in NY for his doctorate, or Texas. I think he said something about Austin has a college (or a job, idr) that interests him a lot for his field. My focus fizzled out cause I got too excited lmao

He wont be joining me on this trip, since I'll be staying at my uncle's place whom I haven't seen since I was a kid. I felt it would be too awkward, but also my bf can't miss his classes right now. He'll join me for future travels when he gets breaks between semesters.


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/14 21:29:21 )

Yeah, thats the plan!
Little bummed though, I was meant to visit with some old friend when I go there. But they flaked out on me entirely lol
It'll be a pure solo trip (aside from my uncle, but I dont know if he has any plans outside of working)


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/14 21:42:41 )

OUCH, yeah that's kind of happened to me when I visited England before too! Its crazy painful sometimes.
But I did plan this trip to be mostly solo anyways, aside from catching up with my uncle, so it'll still be a blast!
I'll give myself mini quests like seeing my old job, seeing the beach, and finding weird souvs to bring back to my friends lol


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/14 23:55:34 )

Oh yes! I booked the flights about a month ago. I'll be there the last week of october, until the monday after


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/15 03:54:46 )
I’m not so sure about that job, the red flags to me is how she acted during the interview. In a professional setting one that particularly gets intimate like massage therapy and stuff needs to be purely professional.

It all comes down to you though and how you felt everything went. I wouldn’t worry two much about not getting a reply back for a few days, and I’d give her up to a week. Good luck!


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/15 17:02:05 )

Yeah I thought about that the moment she hugged me. Even though I know she meant well, I felt she might have had a sense of kinship with me or wanted me to feel like part of the "family", which is cute. But at the same time it also shows that her level of grounding and sense of boundaries might be lacking as a therapist. ESPECIALLY in Colorado where people tend to hate being touched in unprofessional ways. In the south where I'm from, maybe it'd feel more normal to me xD

But on the same note I can say that that would have nothing to do with me if I worked there as a massage therapist. Based on the information I got in the interview about how they run the place, I'm mostly in charge of myself and I am free to set my own boundaries and do what is right for me. I can set my own schedule too, which is kind of weird coming from a franchise! Those aren't usually so therapist friendly.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/15 17:05:00 )
Maybe it’s reasonable then who knows! I wish you good luck in whatever you decide!

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/15 17:05:38 )

Also worth noting, after a conversation with my mom, I AM reminded that the people in northern CO are just terrible at communication overall. I have personally yet to meet anyone here that is not too absorbed in their own minds to have a basic courtesy or communicate in the most basic manner. Like once they understand something, they assume the other party does too. Its like a low empathy thing? Not necessarily unfriendly.

The only people I meet who aren't this way, aren't from here xD
SO she might just be waiting until I get my license. Like she maybe made a new plan and didn't communicate it. Either way, I'll contact her when I get back from my trip, and when I get my license. If there's no word, I'll work at my school clinic anyways. I just wont be able to quit retail yet in case I dont pass my exam... I SHOULD pass it. but idk if it would be wise to quit beforehand.... BAH I want to ;;


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/15 17:06:31 )

Thank you! <3
Whatever happens happens :D I think I'll just refrain from getting excited again until there's a schedule set in stone.

I am leaving Voltra
Find my links here

08 22 22

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/15 20:49:46 )
Moody Says. . .


CO has the flakiest people, i feel that.
Sorry to hear they ghosted you tho. the least they could do is text back and say
their hiring someone else rather than just silence.

During when i was getting my GED i got ghosted about 1 or 2 times for jobs.
Not even a "we received your resume but going with someone else."

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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