I can't speak for Cali or the other we're-on-fire states, but sweet jesus
An hour ago one of my coworkers looked up the current AQI and it said 270
Here's a chart to know what that means:

On my way home this morning, ash was raining again. Seems to be an every morning thing this month.
I drive home, leaves and ashes swirling around me under the red, "cloudy" smog sky.
I sit at my desk to draw on my tablet, until I hear the most eerie sounding wind whistling and tossing things around outside. I lean to peek out my window and then I start hearing an adult-sounding shriek in the distance. Uncertain where from, or what to do, I just cease all doings and sit like..

I am safe from fires, still. Just close enough that smoke and ash has been the weather for 2 months.
Im always hearing that the fires keep having explosions and just getting worse and worse though.. Last I checked I think the "closer" one is like 135k acres? probably more by now?
Its easy to feel like the world is ending when it looks like it does outside today.