Krampus is speaking, here to say that I am decluttering a lot of items that I have
AOTW Participation Ribbon 1k
Angel Imp 2k obo
Bird of Paradise 2-3k
Blossom 2-3k obo
Braids Soft and Silky 2k obo
Bubblegum 3k obo
Bud 2-3k obo
Candies Glazing 2.5k obo
Candy Cane Staff 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Belt 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Broom 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Hat 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Shoes 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Stockings 2.5k obo
Card Knight 2-3kobo
Carnation 2.5k obo
Caterpillar 3.5k obo
Cheshire 3.5k obo
Children to Love 2.5k obo
Chocolate Coin 2k obo
Chords For Singing 2.5k obo
Chrysanthemum 2.5k obo
Cirque™ Carnival Foods 2.5k obo
Cool Mint 2.5k obo
Crybaby 8k obo
Curious Case 8k obo
Cyberon 2.5k obo
Cyberonica 2.5k obo
Daffodil 2k obo
Daisy 2k obo
Devil Imp 2.5k obo
Donut 4kk obo
Dormouse 4k obo
Dreamers Dreaming 2.5k obo
Duck Arm Floaties 2k obo
Fishing Fanatic 3.5k obo
Fleece for Warming 2.5k obo
Flower Garden 3.5k obo
Frizz's Yo-yo 2.5k obo
Gladiol 2.5k obo
Guardian Spark 3k obo
Gummy Bear 3k obo
Holiday Gifts 2.5k obo
Holiday Gingerbread Earrings 1k obo
Holiday Lights 3.5k obo
Holiday Mistletoe 2k obo
Holiday Onesie 3k obo
Holiday Voltra Globe 2k obo
Hypnotist 3k obo
Jawbreaker 3kk obo
King Brothers 5k obo
Knave of Hearts 3k obo
Land Separating Ocean and Sea 3k obo
Larkspur 3k obo
Lily of the Valley 3k obo
Lunar Tides 3k obo
Mad Hatter 3.5k obo
Mallow 2k obo
March Hare 2.5k obo
Messenger Birds 2k obo
Missing Spell Book 2.5k obo
Narcissus 3k obo
Nightwalker Bat 3k obo
Nightwalker Tank 3k obo
Nightwalker Tied Jacket 3k obo
Olden Wings 3.5k obo
Panthalassa 3.5k obo
Pawns Marching 3k obo
Popping Candy 5k obo
Queen of Hearts 3.5k obo
Quench Thirst 2.5k obo
Reaper Boots 3k obo
Reaper Jacket 3k obo
Reaper Scythe 3k obo
Reaper Smile 3k obo
Reedy Regalia 2.5k obo
Ribbon Candy 3.5k obo
Roses 2k obo
Seafloor Fashionista 3.5k obo
Skullie Background 3kk obo
Skullie Belt 3k obo
Skullie Boots 3k obo
Skullie Head 3k obo
Skullie Helmet 3k obo
Skullie Top 3k obo
Snipers Sniping 2.5k obo
Solstice Advent Ticket 1k obo
Solstice Holiday Socks 1k obo
Solstice Spirit 2.5k obo
Static in Wonderland 3kk obo
Static's Bag 2.5k obo
Steamjack 2k obo
Steamrose 2k obo
Strongman 2k obo
Summer Monkey 2k obo
Sunflower 2k obo
Survivor Crafted Armor 2.5k obo
Survivor Crafted Gloves 2.5k obo
Survivor Crafted Pants 2.5k obo
Survivor Water Canister 3.5k obo
Team Treat 4k obo
Team Trick 4k obo
Twin's Spells 3.5k obo
Valentina's Tool Belt 3.5k obo
Valentina's Work Gloves (Default) 3.5k obo
Vanora's Belt 2.5k obo
Vanora's Necklace 3.5k obo
Vanora's Visor 2k obo
Vaughn's Memories 2k obo
Velvet's Earrings (Default) 3k obo
Velvet's Necklace 3k obo
Vibrance Day Tea 2.5k obo
Vichard's Mich 2k obo
Vichard's Suit 2k obo
Vigilante Double Pistols 3k obo
Vigilante Gear 3k obo
Vigilante Jacket 2.5k obo
Violet's Curls 2.5k obo
Violet's Dress 2.5k obo
Violet's Memories 2.5k obo
Virgil's Hair & Beanie 2.5k obo
Virgil's Jacket 2.5k obo
Viv's Apron 2.5k obo
Viv's Flower 2.5k obo
Volkan's Beard 2.5k obo
Volkan's Desk 2.5k obo
Vontell's Book 3k obo
Vontell's Memories 3k obo
Vontell's Watch 2-3k obo
Vreg is King 3-4k obo
Vregory Boots 2-3k obo
Vregory Hair 2-3k obo
Vregory Top 2-3k obo
Vregory's Friends 2-3k obo
Vyctor's Belt 3-4k obo
Vyctor's Horns (Default) 3-4k obo
White Rabbit 2-3k obo
Wonderland 2-3k obo
AOTW Participation Ribbon 1k
Angel Imp 2k obo
Bird of Paradise 2-3k
Blossom 2-3k obo
Braids Soft and Silky 2k obo
Bubblegum 3k obo
Bud 2-3k obo
Candies Glazing 2.5k obo
Candy Cane Staff 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Belt 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Broom 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Hat 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Shoes 2.5k obo
Candy Corn Witch Stockings 2.5k obo
Card Knight 2-3kobo
Carnation 2.5k obo
Caterpillar 3.5k obo
Cheshire 3.5k obo
Children to Love 2.5k obo
Chocolate Coin 2k obo
Chords For Singing 2.5k obo
Chrysanthemum 2.5k obo
Cirque™ Carnival Foods 2.5k obo
Cool Mint 2.5k obo
Crybaby 8k obo
Curious Case 8k obo
Cyberon 2.5k obo
Cyberonica 2.5k obo
Daffodil 2k obo
Daisy 2k obo
Devil Imp 2.5k obo
Donut 4kk obo
Dormouse 4k obo
Dreamers Dreaming 2.5k obo
Duck Arm Floaties 2k obo
Fishing Fanatic 3.5k obo
Fleece for Warming 2.5k obo
Flower Garden 3.5k obo
Frizz's Yo-yo 2.5k obo
Gladiol 2.5k obo
Guardian Spark 3k obo
Gummy Bear 3k obo
Holiday Gifts 2.5k obo
Holiday Gingerbread Earrings 1k obo
Holiday Lights 3.5k obo
Holiday Mistletoe 2k obo
Holiday Onesie 3k obo
Holiday Voltra Globe 2k obo
Hypnotist 3k obo
Jawbreaker 3kk obo
King Brothers 5k obo
Knave of Hearts 3k obo
Land Separating Ocean and Sea 3k obo
Larkspur 3k obo
Lily of the Valley 3k obo
Lunar Tides 3k obo
Mad Hatter 3.5k obo
Mallow 2k obo
March Hare 2.5k obo
Messenger Birds 2k obo
Missing Spell Book 2.5k obo
Narcissus 3k obo
Nightwalker Bat 3k obo
Nightwalker Tank 3k obo
Nightwalker Tied Jacket 3k obo
Olden Wings 3.5k obo
Panthalassa 3.5k obo
Pawns Marching 3k obo
Popping Candy 5k obo
Queen of Hearts 3.5k obo
Quench Thirst 2.5k obo
Reaper Boots 3k obo
Reaper Jacket 3k obo
Reaper Scythe 3k obo
Reaper Smile 3k obo
Reedy Regalia 2.5k obo
Ribbon Candy 3.5k obo
Roses 2k obo
Seafloor Fashionista 3.5k obo
Skullie Background 3kk obo
Skullie Belt 3k obo
Skullie Boots 3k obo
Skullie Head 3k obo
Skullie Helmet 3k obo
Skullie Top 3k obo
Snipers Sniping 2.5k obo
Solstice Advent Ticket 1k obo
Solstice Holiday Socks 1k obo
Solstice Spirit 2.5k obo
Static in Wonderland 3kk obo
Static's Bag 2.5k obo
Steamjack 2k obo
Steamrose 2k obo
Strongman 2k obo
Summer Monkey 2k obo
Sunflower 2k obo
Survivor Crafted Armor 2.5k obo
Survivor Crafted Gloves 2.5k obo
Survivor Crafted Pants 2.5k obo
Survivor Water Canister 3.5k obo
Team Treat 4k obo
Team Trick 4k obo
Twin's Spells 3.5k obo
Valentina's Tool Belt 3.5k obo
Valentina's Work Gloves (Default) 3.5k obo
Vanora's Belt 2.5k obo
Vanora's Necklace 3.5k obo
Vanora's Visor 2k obo
Vaughn's Memories 2k obo
Velvet's Earrings (Default) 3k obo
Velvet's Necklace 3k obo
Vibrance Day Tea 2.5k obo
Vichard's Mich 2k obo
Vichard's Suit 2k obo
Vigilante Double Pistols 3k obo
Vigilante Gear 3k obo
Vigilante Jacket 2.5k obo
Violet's Curls 2.5k obo
Violet's Dress 2.5k obo
Violet's Memories 2.5k obo
Virgil's Hair & Beanie 2.5k obo
Virgil's Jacket 2.5k obo
Viv's Apron 2.5k obo
Viv's Flower 2.5k obo
Volkan's Beard 2.5k obo
Volkan's Desk 2.5k obo
Vontell's Book 3k obo
Vontell's Memories 3k obo
Vontell's Watch 2-3k obo
Vreg is King 3-4k obo
Vregory Boots 2-3k obo
Vregory Hair 2-3k obo
Vregory Top 2-3k obo
Vregory's Friends 2-3k obo
Vyctor's Belt 3-4k obo
Vyctor's Horns (Default) 3-4k obo
White Rabbit 2-3k obo
Wonderland 2-3k obo
because Krampus is buying stuff
Was a trade spot, but not anymore
Was a trade spot, but not anymore
OPEN well I set up
@Starlight: sounds good, I'll send a trade
@Totalanimefan: just trying to update as I go, to much to go through, but thank you
@Starlight: thank you but it is on you for trade
@krampus: what is ellie ? Can I have a some bunny to love .. I have in stitches if you'd like to buy for 5k :)
"The future must know where you've been."
@Krampus: May I buy your Alchemist for 2k?
"The past predicts the state you're in!"
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.

@krampus: Hello, if you have more than one Alchemist, I'd like to offer 2k for one as well.
Also, would 4k each for Raver and Quinn be okay?

@Krampus: You wouldn't happen to have a spare Soulcaster you're willing to sell, would you?
Also may I offer an In Stitches + 3k for your Bearboozled?
Also may I offer an In Stitches + 3k for your Bearboozled?
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811
@LilMissKushy: ellie is a coin item it can be found here can you hold onto in stitches until I get to 5k?
@0v7: sent a trade, thank you for buying
@Merynia: sorry but that was my only spare of Alchemist, as for Raver, and Quinn 4k each for both if you're alright with that feel free to send a trade.
@Aisukohi: I never got that item, it was one I could never get. Sure sounds good I'll send you a trade.
@0v7: sent a trade, thank you for buying
@Merynia: sorry but that was my only spare of Alchemist, as for Raver, and Quinn 4k each for both if you're alright with that feel free to send a trade.
@Aisukohi: I never got that item, it was one I could never get. Sure sounds good I'll send you a trade.
@krampus: yes of course ^.^

@krampus: It's okay, I've sent you a trade for Raver and Quinn. 🙂
Edit: How much for the Ombre Cutie Tails, Ombre Bun Hair and the Unique Witch Hat?
Would 4.5k for all three be okay for you?
I've added to the trade anyway 😊

@krampus: I was wanting to buy a some bunny to love .. I don't know the price of that but we could of traded and just paid what's left over :)

@LilMissKushy: sorry about that, I was half awake would you be ok with 8k for Some Bunny to Love?
@Merynia: your turn on the trade.
@0v7: and your turn on the trade.
@0v7: and your turn on the trade.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.