More rants but also Im very relieved today.
My partner has been very ill suddenly. His symptoms and signs seem like he might have mono or a very extreme tonsilitis. But more sounding like the former.
Ive been staying at his place because I noticed he wasn't breathing in his sleep. His apnea was scaring the hell out of me, so I'd only half-sleep while listening to him, and when he'd stop breathing Id flip him onto his back or sometimes have to wake him cause hed go too long without air.
Still, it got worse each night and he couldn't lay flat anymore.
The pain got so severe he couldn't sleep for more than a few minutes either. His tonsils were swelling more and more so he couldn't speak. Then he couldn't eat, it hurt so terribly.
Before it got to this, I took him to the doctor when he thought it might just be strep.
They saw him for like 5 minutes, confirmed it was a viral infection, then said "well its not strep, so cant help you!"
No advice, no further testing. I was pretty livid but kept silent until his symptoms got so severe, I brought him back to them again yesterday. They did 2 more tests, one for lipid which cleared, and one for mono that we're still waiting for the results.
they said they'd call in the afternoon for the results. yesterday.
He woke up this morning where the swelling got so much worse, I was half a step away from running him to the ER. At this point he literally could only communicate with his hands or typing to me. He convinced me to wait, since he could still breathe throug his nose and he just started taking some CBD oil that I ran out to get him last night.
I was about to be up in arms with these damn doctors. But then the CBD kicked in, his pain near vanished, his swelling halved and he could eat again. This morning he couldn't even drink water but now he's bouncing and I have to keep reminding him he's still on vocal rest.
T__T thank god for cbd
I always praised its benefits but it really worked some miracles this morning!