Sorry for the late responses. This week has been hectic with the weather and our dryer breaking and getting a huge order and finally setting up my etsy shop. :vanora_cry:
@Totalanimefan: I'll probably do that this next week. :]
I keep hoping that a halloween event will start, but I'm beginning to give up hope.
Eh... I don't really have anyone to vent to, so I'm trying to figure out how to deal with everything.
Like, I've always been the person that people feel comfortable talking to, so I keep getting to hear everyone's thoughts and trying to help them deal with it all, and I know that it's weighing them down so I don't want to make things worse by talking about how it's all affecting me, as well. =/
@MoodyBats: 100% me with crocheting, right now. Lol.
Back before I learned how to crochet all I had was the internet and drawing. Now I crochet a lot and barely draw.
It definitely takes it's toll on your skill level. :vanora_sweat:
@xvz: Dude, right? Like, I never really thought about it before I learned, but when I saw something crocheted or knitted I just assumed that it was too difficult and I could never make something so neat.
I've been crocheting for about seven years now and I can only read written patterns. Charts are just so scary that my brain refuses to figure it out. D;
I don't have pictures of any of them, beyond what is on the first page of the thread. But I'll be taking pictures sometime next week, after I finish everything for the pokemon order.
@PhotogenicPhish: Same. Just, everything. Same. Lol.