I just moved at the beginning of October into a house so we had to deal with keeping the girls internet up and running while in the middle of the move for school. We're unpacking a ton. My toddler is insanely active and into everything. Everyday is cleaning and unpacking and sewing.
There hasn't been much time for art or games or books or writing to relax .
My husband lost his job because of covid and only just got a new one right after we moved so we've been in full panic mode for most of the year. I hit a deep depression because the pregnancy almost killed me I almost flatlined after giving birth and so got really bad post partum depression . Everything just seemed to keep going wrong.
Now that we're finally out of our horrible apartment and in a house we can truly make our home I'm trying to look back on the bright side. I'm making dressers out of cardboard and using old clothes to make new clothes. Ect ect.
Not getting much sleep these days and my patience is low because I'm still on emotional recovery xD