Last year, my mother had what looked like flu. At some point, she had trouble breathing and I called for the doctor to come by. She was send to the hospital and, within a few days, they told us that she had lung cancer. They decided to give chemo a try, but big chance was that she wouldn't make the end of the week.
After a lot of chemo, she heard in November last year (Nov 23 (my grandmother's birthday)) that the tumour in her lung was really small and the other tumours were so small, they could hardly see them.
End of January, she got another scan and on my birthday (Feb 2nd), she heard it was back. She got chemo again, but in May, they told her it wasn't effective and that there was no more treatment possible for her.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago:
Everyone around us got the flu, myself included. My mother also got the flu, but slowly got better. Until this weekend. Saturday, she was feeling worse and worse and had trouble breathing. I called for a doctor again and they said it wasn't infection or sorts. They gave her morphine, to ease everything a bit.
Yesterday, she still has trouble breathing and a tummy ache. The doctor just came and examined her. Her liver is enlarged and, because she still has trouble breathing, she's going to get an IV for the morphine.
The doctor also said it won't take long now before it will be over for her.