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Voltie — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/2 21:21:27 )

Do you have any ghost stories to share? Real or fake, scary or not, all ghostly tales are welcome here~

Whether this is truly a ghost story or not, this is something that took place when I was in middle school:
I awoke early one Saturday morning, and when I opened my eyes I saw what appeared to be a kind, elderly woman smiling at me and gesturing as if she wanted me to follow her. Usually, if I had woken up at the time on a Saturday then I would have fallen back to sleep, but I was surprised, so I decided to just get up. The woman had disappeared as soon as I blinked of course. Upon going downstairs I first noticed my brother, asleep on the couch. I then proceeded to the kitchen where I saw that the oven was on. At this point I woke up my brother and asked him why the oven was on. He jumped up and ran to the oven. His food was quite burnt, but that was the extent of it. Now, at this point you may be thinking that what I saw was simply a hypnopompic hallucination, a type of hallucination that can occur while one is waking up. I too felt that way, until a week or two later at least.

A week or two later I was sitting in the living room watching TV when my brother came running down the stairs saying he was going to be late for work. As he dashed about he told me the circumstances in which he had finally woken up. His alarm clock had gone off and he had either ignored it or slept through it, but then he woke up to see an old woman standing at his door and waving at him to come on. It was then that he had looked at his alarm clock and realized that he was running late.

The fact that we both had such similar experiences so close together is certainly interesting considering that I hadn't even told him about the elderly woman I had seen.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/2 21:29:30 )

Awwwww you have a protector that's so sweet!

We just moved into a new house that was owned by an elderly man who passed away shortly before the house went up for sale at the beginning of this summer. There is a picture of an eldery woman hanging on the wall of the room the girls got as their bedroom. My middle daughter really liked the photo and wanted to keep it.

We're all hanging out downstairs and the girls are running around having a blast and my mother in law watched an elderly woman walk in the front door and sit down on the couch and just watch the girls with a smile on her face. we then showed my mother in law the upstairs rooms and she saw the photo and said that's the woman i just saw.

Apparently the elderly couple wanted kids and couldn't have them so the woman is super happy that their are kids in her home now so she came for a visit as a spirit and we have been accepted into the house. LOL xD


Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/2 23:25:50 )
@starlight: wow yeah that was someone looking out for you for sure.. now every time u see that lady you'll know she's trying to help u.. I always believed in ghosts so many things happened in my family .. but never witnessed anything until few years ago.. my sister was having a party for our family and for her partners family so there was about 20 people there .. and my sister had gotten new shoes.. little flat glittery pumps and I kept her going about them and kept saying there's no place like home.. so she took one off and she said try it on .. so as she stepped out of it I went to put my foot in it and it slid really fast towards her so she turned to look back as it was sliding and she run into the kitchen and it slid faster and curled round the corner after her and stopped.. everyone was gob smacked I couldn't believe my eyes so I got up and I checked the bottom of her trousers to see if her hem was loose in case it caught and pulled the shoe.. I think I was trying to convince myself it couldn't of been a ghost.. but it wasn't her trousers and even if it was a hem why did it slide forward so fast then stopped then slid faster into the kitchen where my sister was practically running too .. I was so over welmed that I laughed in disbelief and then cried like wtf.. only person that laughed was my mum because she's witness things happening before.. what was funny though my friend was like let's get the eff out of here so we got in the car and here comes my mum half pissed shoes dangling off her fingers trying to get into the car so I took them off her and threw them right across the road and my friend was like u can walk round the corner for home.. so we got home and only in the door literally 5 minutes when mum came in with the shoes dangling from her fingers again so I took them off her and threw them over the fence into the neighbours garden .. next day I'm in the house making lunch and my neighbour comes in with the shoes saying look at the lovely shoes I found in my garden on the way in.. safe to say I turned her and the shoes around opened the front door and escorted them both out XD not today satan 😂😂

Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/2 23:28:08 )
@shadami: oh my goodness that is so sweet.. I would of died..but knowing that makes it so much's good when u get accepted.. terrifying if they don't want u there XD

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/3 00:14:10 )

Yeah this house feels like home ^^


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/3 02:52:34 )
the university i went to for undergrad had a few ghosts!

two of the residence halls were haunted. one was the oldest hall on campus, which had residents living in it during ww2.
the story goes that one of the students went to fight in the war, leaving his sweetheart behind, and came back with injuries that included a facial difference. his sweetheart had either rejected him and/or found a new man, and the legend goes that he ended his life on the fourth floor of the residence hall (there's no historical record of his death at the campus, but, YMMV). if i remember right his name was george, and when i worked desk in that hall, residents would occasionally say that they'd hear him up on the fourth floor, punching the punching bag or just generally hanging out. he'd also occasionally close the patio doors.

there was also helen, who haunted one of the first year halls. she'd often redirect the service elevator up to the unused, maintanence-only 9th floor because she was lonely, and she was also kind of a protector of the first year girls.

there might have also been one in the library, but there's much fewer stories/belief in that one!
kody / 23 / they

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/3 03:49:11 )

Wow that's a bunch of ghost stories in one school :O

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

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