ooh i haven't had a peep in a looong time, i'm not even sure i remember what they taste like anymore ... i guess mostly sugary sweet haha
yess i got to play imposter for a few rounds! one of them we didn't have a full party and managed to kill everyone in the first round :0
another time i got really sloppy and someone saw me kill lol but my partner managed to carry the game til the end and we still won!!
do you usually play w randoms? i was too scared to play w randoms but one of my friends had managed to get a group of her friends together and i joined ^^
@xvz: I want to try them someday but I don't think they sell it here in Canada.
I've never played Among us yet just watch too many gamers play the game. I don't find it interesting enough to play it by myself and it would be nicer to play among friends which I don't have enough of x.x
I would see myself screw up a lot as an imposter too. Did you get the imposter glitch at one point?
@purpsy: oohh i wouldn't have considered that canada doesn't have peeps :0 also i didn't know u were canadian! lol
yeah it's super tough to get such a big group together... idk if i could organize one by myself otherwise
i didn't know most of them so it was kind of confusing trying to figure out who was talking / which username was which person-name lol
idk if deception games are really my wheelhouse cuz i don't really enjoy lying haha
i think if i didn't have friends playing it , i probably might not go it on my own!
one of my friends has been trying p hard to get a group going tho and so i'm like yeah sure why not!