@xvz: Not my whole life but I moved here with my family since I was nine.
Yeah people here are generally nice although there are some unpleasant people but is not overwhelming a lot. I get to be exposed to different cultures other than my own especially with the food. But I'm sure America are like that as well? Although the changing of seasons (we got 4 here) especially the cold weather is something getting used to.
Lol yeah the more you play with same person the more you can understand their tell. The game reminds me a lot of mafia because it has a similar concept. You need some big brain power to be good at those games x.x
@purpsy: oohh may i ask where you moved from?
i've heard that toronto is the most diverse city in the world!! i would love to visit sometime and see for myself. i think because of that i bet yall have lots of good food from many different cultures :3 would love to food tour toronto sometime or something hehe
i don't think america in general is like that but some cities can be... i think nyc is probably similar as far as having a lot of ethnic groups in one city?
i think maybe when i'm older i would consider living in toronto or montreal or something?? and it would be warmer by then cuz of climate change lolol (rip.... sorry lol)
yeah! mafia always stressed me out lol, but i understand how that component makes it more fun!
that sounds soo convenient lol , i'll have to check out the freezer waffles next time i'm grocery shopping
i have some butter cookies and there was a week where i'd just have a pack of cookies (they come in 3) w/ coffee for breakfast, nice and easy and tasty :3
unrelated but i've been playing these videos in the background, it's this guy with highland cattle and they're so cute!
@xvz: As in where I lived before I move in Canada? Then I was born in the Phillippines. Very tropical country and I moved here in the middle of winter so that was interesting...
Yes is very diverse here and in terms of food they have almost everything. I'm not really a foodie but my brother is so I've tried different foods from different cultures with him often. I've had some Jamaican, Indian, Korean but my favourite is Vietnamese food I grew up with that. Banh Mi especially is soo good *q*
I've had many friends from different ethnicities also and don't experience much racism. But I believe is still there from the stories I hear from others but is very passive in my opinion. So yes you should visit here but I don't think we're much of a touristy country.
ooh phillippines -> toronto winter sounds like a harsh transition!! lol
also i'm curious do ppl mostly drive in toronto? or is transit or biking p common?
ahh that's awesome! i love all of those, i feel so blessed to live somewhere with access to so many cuisines (i live in nyc)
i Love banh mis !!!! i used to live in philly and i think there's a p strong viet community there
i could walk to really good pho, banh mi, and also this great ethiopian place all just a few blocks away! /feeling food nostalgia lol
there is a pho and banh mi place in my current neighborhood but it's not as good as the one i had in philly >3>
oh how nice!! i have some hot cocoa at home but i always forget about it for some reason lol
i think part of it is that i think of it as like a "special treat" so i'm always like oh i should save it lol ... and then i end up never actually drinking it!