Following the sounds of joyful celebrating and chatter, you find yourself staring at an exceedingly large table.
It's spread with all sorts of sweets, teas, tableware, a.. mouse? Everything anyone could ever want, apparently.
The two figures take notice of you, breaking from their merry bickering to wave you over to join.
"What wonderful luck! We were just remarking how dreadfully empty this table is!"
A woman in an outrageously large hat beams to you, patting the chair beside her expectantly.
"And that won't do at all, will it?"
"It will do just fine, but it wouldn't be much of a party..."
Her long eared companion counters, before taking a long, slow sip of his tea.
"Not that I would mind."
"Oh, don't mind that old hare one bit,"
She laughs, unbothered as she forcibly shoves a teacup into your hands, pouring it full of piping hot tea,
"He's been sulking ever since we left Wonderland.
But you know how it is! New places to see, people to meet, unbirthdays to celebrate and tea to be had!
Now take a sip, dear, and let's have a little fun in this interesting new land!"
Well, why not? You're already here...