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Forums Serious Talk Tired of relatives [UPDATE]

Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/4 10:39:15 )
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"

So yesterday, my aunt took me and my cat to the vet because he had a torn claw. It went okay other than the... uncomfortable conversation we had in the car.

She was saying it was important to vote and that I should vote, but it's literally not possible because my grandfather pretty much won't let me so I'm not even registered. He would be the only one who would've taken me and he didn't want to because he had work. I told her this, and she was like, "well just so you know all my gay friends could have their rights taken away". I'm literally a bi trans dude, an indigenous Mexican, and disabled. I'm the one who would be affected the most out of our combined households and yet she was snappy towards me for something I can't control, and also completely forgetting the fact I'm a marginalized person? I would love to be able to vote but it's not within my means. Not sure if my uncomfortableness about her is justified or not.

"If you stop staring straight through me."

Donator — Frog bless Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/4 15:27:39 )

Everyone is high tension right now so I wouldn't take it personally. However, her comments are certainly not helpful. If she wanted to make sure you voted she should have started early and offered to help you.

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Voltie — he/they Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/4 16:15:59 )
⇜┈┈┈┈┈┈ ∘ ꕥ ∘ ┈┈┈┈┈┈⇝

ugh i hate that for you

telling indigenous people to vote for more fckin settler-colonialism is extremely fucked up too. this lady sounds privileged and indoctrinated

⇜┈┈┈┈┈┈ ∘ ꕥ ∘ ┈┈┈┈┈┈⇝

pm me if u wanna donate 2 my living funds

┋ 𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐒 ┋ 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱 ┋ 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 ┋

Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/4 16:21:34 )
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"

@Priestess of Pie: Yeah, she never offered to help before. She only said yesterday she could take me and I'm like... I'm not even registered??? which she got a lil snappy about.

@vessel: Right?? I'm just like... this lady is so privileged that she'll probably be fine if either candidate wins. Meanwhile I'll be kind of... not.

"If you stop staring straight through me."

Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/4 16:34:30 )
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"

@Totalanimefan: Oklahoma - which is all red. T_T

"If you stop staring straight through me."

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/6 03:51:48 )

Your discomfort is totally valid. As someone who struggled to get around without ride help for a LONG time, I can completely understand this defeated feeling of really wanting to do something that is important but you just... cant. But that is okay, please do not feel guilty because circumstances didn't allow you to vote, whatever the results happen to be will NOT be your fault by any means, either way. Sometimes life is just tricky!

Its been said, but tensions are definitely high right now. After butting heads with my mom recently, I'm vowing to just not speak to anyone aside from my partner until people get their heads out of their tails. Some people handle stress by lashing out all around them, unfortunately.


Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/6 20:12:59 )
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"

@Jolly: I just saw this reply, and thank you so much, I feel a bit better now that some time's passed. She hasn't brought it up since then so I think she knows she messed up, but it still kinda sucks. I'm hoping the tensions aren't as bad sooner rather than later u_u

I haven't really been speaking to my aunt and uncle for that reason - I'm hoping once the election stuff's over things will smooth out.

"If you stop staring straight through me."

Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 18:56:04 )
"You've had too much of the digital love -

Okay update. I'm not sure how my relatives / neighbors / etc. are going to react towards me / people like me in regards to the election results.

For context, I'm a mixed race person of color - indigenous Mexican and white. In addition to that, I'm a bisexual trans man and am out to everyone.

Most people of color, like me, are gonna face retaliation for the results of this election. Same goes for LGBT people. I guess this is a long way of saying that I'm a bit scared of the next... however long this election's gonna remain a topic.

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 20:49:40 )

I might give people a few days to digest the results. There may be a lot of tension on the republican side rn, I'm assuming, cause trump lost.
Working in retail today might be interesting >>

I hope your family situation improves or doesn't get any worse at least! ;v;


Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 20:52:31 )
"You've had too much of the digital love -

@Jolly: So far everyone seems fine.. but also, yknow how it gets bad around dinner time? I'm dreading that lol
I hope it isn't too bad for you (assuming you work in retail?) D:

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 21:22:24 )

Its my last day in retail actually lmao But yeah, I'm only worried about the parking lot. A lot of extremists go there to make chaos, especially these teenage wannabe redneck trump worshiping boys that have been troublesome all year.

But yeah, would you have an option to eat dinner alone or somewhere else to avoid family dinner drama?


Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 21:26:09 )
"You've had too much of the digital love -

@Jolly: I hope you can avoid them D: Especially on your last day of retail. I saw that you got a massage clinic job and I'm happy for you :D I just never got the time to reply to your thread because...event. >w>;

I could eat in my room... though I'd still have to grab dinner from the kitchen. Though I'm wondering if they're even coming over here for dinner tonight. I could ask my grandfather, probably. I know we are tomorrow, so that's gonna be interesting.

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 21:32:56 )

Haha yeah! I got the job offer back in september or early october xD But I cant begin until I get my massage license, which should hopefully be within the next week if I pass my monday exam.
I'm quite excited though

Haha yeahh... maybe it'll be better than you expect? Whenever I expect my family to be nuts, they act chill. And vice versa XD
If not, maybe there can be ways of like.. peacefully changing the subject haha


Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 21:39:44 )
"You've had too much of the digital love -

@Jolly: I think I saw you talk about it then :0 I'm sure you'll do great on the exam :D

I'll bring up my cats LOL. I mean, one of them's a hot topic because he had an injury recently >w>;;

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 21:51:37 )

Yeah I've been talking about it a lot recently cause its getting so close xD
elections at least took my mind off it for a day lmao

Awww are they alright though? Cats are a perfect distraction tbh, I've done that one before Hahaha


Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 22:00:23 )
"You've had too much of the digital love -

@Jolly: I'm sending good vibes your way!!! ✨

He's okay, taking antibiotics and getting better every day! That reminds me to check his paw - he had torn off a claw somehow so I have to keep an eye on it while it grows back lol

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 22:08:55 )

Thank you!! Good vibes for your cat too, I hope he feels better!

Aw, that reminds me of one day I was out and my mom texted me that our cat lost one of his toes.
My older sis was texting me in a panic cause she doesn't live with us, so she was worried sick.
Mom got EVERYONE so worried.
Then I got home and looked at him laying like a pancake on the sofa with a big grin on his face, all of his beans were accounted for, he just had a little scratch on the side of one of his toes so his white fur had a little bit of blood on it. Like mom, did you actually look at him.. lmfao


Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 22:10:43 )
"You've had too much of the digital love -

@Jolly: I'm so sorry but that's hilarious... she's like "his toe's gone!" and he's just sitting there smugly like "I got all my beans :3"
I thought my cat had broken his toe initially and then I got a closer look while he was splayed out on the floor and I was like Ohhh his claw's gone and it's infected.

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 22:32:31 )

Yeah I laughed so much, I took a picture of all his beans and posted it in our family group text like GUYS :vanora_xd:
Hahaha but yeah, dang cats giving us heart attacks xD

I am leaving Voltra
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08 22 22

Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/7 23:07:56 )
"You've had too much of the digital love -

Whenever my cats yell I'm like "o_o are they hurt" no, they're just bored. >_>

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.

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