Tonight, dinner is chicken thighs and broccoli with a little bit of carrot and red onion, on a sheet pan (so it's super easy!) and I'm making some farfalle for the boys just to help fill their tummies and give them the extra calories.
Hey Total. I'm glad you enjoyed your bicycle ride :3
I should have gone out for one but it's humid out there and it just wasn't in the cards today. It was a mostly poopy day for me for some reason.
— Sha/female
Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/10 00:19:46 )
Wildfire: Tonight, dinner is chicken thighs and broccoli with a little bit of carrot and red onion, on a sheet pan (so it's super easy!) and I'm making some farfalle for the boys just to help fill their tummies and give them the extra calories.
OMG that reminds me i have leftover pasta in the fridge. i can get a proper dinner!!!