Good day, Volties!
Looks like you're all having a swell time with Reaping Ritual: Through the Looking Glass!
Such a swell time that you flew through another posting milestone.
Let's see what you've unlocked!
2M Post MI: 1.7M Unlock Goal
Previously you've unlocked the initial goal which release The Herald and pose 1 (The Herald's Helmet).
Upon reaching 1.7M posts you've unlocked...
The Herald's Staff

Milestone Item by ghost
Hmm, what's that? Looks like there's a glimpse at what will unlock at 1.8M in the preview... ooops.

You're well on your way to 1.8M posts when pose 3 will be unlocked!
The 2M Milestone (The Herald) will be available in OMG Imports though one week after the final pose is unlocked.
So there's still plenty of time to collect some for yourself and stock up!
Keep up the great work, Volties!
Surge written by Vozzy