We hope you're all having a Happy Halloween and also enjoying Voltra's Reaping Ritual!
Trick and Treat are still working their differences out, but have noticed how hard you're working
to help them settle their problems. To thank you, you've all be granted one (x1) Reaping Ritual Goodie Bucket '17!!!

In the future you'll be able to find out what goodies are inside! (Choose one of the event EIs.)
You can also purchase extras for 25 pages each in the event shop until all EIs leave November 5.

Our lovely, @Ghost: decided to gift us all wonderful Halloween themed commons! We have a few more that we'd like to add, but sadly it'll be a bit after today. Nothing wrong with getting a little "freaky" after Halloween, right!?
Vanora graciously took them off of Ghost's hands and has them in stock right now!

October CIs Demonic and Angelic leave in a few hoursalong with our rare CI, Sweet Cakes!
IT and MOD apps are due tomorrow as well!