I have a long spam of texts from my mom and sister.
Not even concerned, just a bunch of projection and self-victimizing.
The closest thing to giving a shit was a sorry for the panic attack "but you should have just listened".
For how long am I supposed to listen to someone screaming at me like that? Being blamed like I'm the only one who yelled, when I've only yelled at the end of the whole thing when I started coughing after cause I yelled too hard. My voice literally cannot handle yelling, my throat and lungs like physically cease up and I choke, cough or gag. So anytime someone is having a loud go at me, I just listen until its nonsensical and then I leave. If I speak its in a normal voice cause nothing else feels good to do, so why bother? I'm not a shouty person.
They say I'm the reason we can't live peacefully. I just--I don't even speak! I just draw, sleep, game or I'm not home for days cause of work/school or out with my partner.
They're always caiming they're "scared" of me every time I get hurt by things like this. One will hear the other say this and then they;ll start using it against me too, because they all know it hits me really hard to hear that. I'm fragile as fuck, but not in an anger sort of way. I just cry and frown. I dont speak much cause I'm too friggin scared to. But I also dont want to push them away fully, so when good things happen I'll try to talk to them about that cause like, positivity and shit.
Being told I'm scary and I'm monstrous my whole life really screws with my brain and self image. Brings me to a really dark place. One person plucked me out of that mindset in the past. Someone who was around all of this for 3 years and they ended up so angry about it, but they;d always reassure me that I'm not doing what they say I'm doing, that they're projecting themselves and confusing me too much. But GOD its so hard to maintain my psyche with this family. Like a consistent mind fuck.
I know I really need therapy for my upbringing, I'm still on my journey to even being able to afford that. One day, one day
Until then I just vent online like this and feel silly after