It’s here, Volties! Your friendly neighborhood Commons Review is here! I’m so excited to see what goodies the staff have concocted this past month! It seems we’re a little late getting the review out this month, and we are super sorry about that! We hope you enjoy the items nonetheless and we’ve got great things in the works for you all!
Check out what our wonderful artists have made for us!
November Commons Review!
Just to reiterate...
Some of you eagle eyed viewers may have noticed our friendly neighbourhood shopkeepers have been adding new wares to their shops these last few weeks... That's no error! You're hearing it here first Voltra, we're shaking things up!
Instead of the old method of releasing all new commons on the 15th of the month, commons will now be randomly added throughout the days of the week! But your favourite common release Surge isn't going anywhere... Instead, I have the pleasure of introducing you to: The Common Review! Every 15th, I'll go over all the fabulous new items that have been added throughout the month. Fun right?
And in case you can't wait that long, you can always keep up with new shop releases by checking the What's happening? section of the website footer prior to the Common Surge releases.
With that out of the way, let's take a look at these hot new releases!
Some of you eagle eyed viewers may have noticed our friendly neighbourhood shopkeepers have been adding new wares to their shops these last few weeks... That's no error! You're hearing it here first Voltra, we're shaking things up!
Instead of the old method of releasing all new commons on the 15th of the month, commons will now be randomly added throughout the days of the week! But your favourite common release Surge isn't going anywhere... Instead, I have the pleasure of introducing you to: The Common Review! Every 15th, I'll go over all the fabulous new items that have been added throughout the month. Fun right?
And in case you can't wait that long, you can always keep up with new shop releases by checking the What's happening? section of the website footer prior to the Common Surge releases.
With that out of the way, let's take a look at these hot new releases!

Sailor Sweater
By ghost

Basic Tunic
By Priestess of Pie

Two Toned Shirt
By Qteapon

Overall Dress
By ghost

Thank you to our Item Techs Kiwi and Hadsvich
Coming Soon!

And with that, Volties, I'll leave you to play with your new toys ~ Spark out!
Surge written by Lilypoo