Day 1 of new job! I'm getting paid to learn more modalities of massage/manual therapy that I've been wanting to learn anyways.
We were using silicon cups so there's no heat and glass, but just a simple concept of pinching the cup to create suction. It can still leave bruising but we dont park them for long, so no one ended up with any of those crazy looking dark circles on their backs lol Our method is quite discrete while still being effective. I had it done on me for the first time too and it basically sucked my menstrual cramps through a straw and out my body xD
I loved it.
I want to study it more in depth in the future but I get to practice these ones on the other therapists until I'm confident in using it on public clients.
Also got to learn new methods of hot stone massage which has been my favorite modality from school. It helps my client while also healing my hands too, so a hella win/win!
In all, my first day was pretty friggin awesome :D
I'm only worried about forgetting where everything goes or forgetting what to restock for products we use in the rooms, or where those come from.
And not getting lost in the twisty hallways..