It's hosted on Google Drive for now and it utilizes Panda's Price Guide, but here's what I have so far. (Super big thanks to Panda for making the guide in the first place, which makes this possible!)
How to use:
You will need either a Google account or Microsoft Excel on your PC (or any other app that will open Excel-style documents, such as Libre Office ... or, idk, somethin like that)!
I may try to find a way to host this elsewhere but for now this is all we got, sorry. :(
1. Log in and in the upper left, click File and either Make a Copy, Add to My Drive (for Google account owners) or Download as an Excel file (.xlsx).
2. Open this new file!
3. Simply enter the number of each item that you have in the corresponding yellow box! Once you hit enter, it will automatically calculate the value of your inventory and update the values in the rest of the spreadsheet.
It is not recommended to edit anywhere that isn't the yellow boxes as it might mess things up a bit.
I included the "averages" since some things in the price guide have higher or lower values and wanted to make it as clear as possible. Also, sorry for the .. test values added in, haha. If it's an issue I can clear it out for the next update.
(So sorry if this belongs elsewhere, it felt more suitable here than the Exchange!)
Planned updates:
1. A bit better organization! Hiding some of the clutter, etc. Make it just a user-friendly window (but maybe options to let you see them?), etc.
2. Fixing all the typos... D: I was a proofreader for several summers but you can't win 'em all, lmao.
3. Color coding the donation items, event items, etc.
4. Commons calculator...? Perhaps a separate page.
5. Column for storage mule(s)?
6. Spot to enter your volts just for posterity haha
Sadly, if you add all the numbers in to your sheet and I release an update, there's no way to just add these updates to your sheet. You'll have to re-enter it all. :( But you'll have a handy reference that will make it easy, at least!
... TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK PLZ DON'T BE MEAN THO LOL And if you have any questions or need a bit better of an instructional guide, let me know!