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Forums Exchange Price Guide [08-02-2021]

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/4 19:01:30 )

Yeah, just noticed that. I hope he’s okay and comes back. D:

Ash 8/7/19
Kate 1/9/22

by YukiThePanda <3


Voltie — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/27 21:18:38 )

I know this guide hasn't been updated in a while, but I thought I'd post some recent exchanges from this month and last month in case anyone wants to know what prices things are selling for!

Unique Ugs- 1k (9/1/20)
Unique Harvest Overalls- 1k (9/1/20)
Unique War Hawk- 2k (9/2/20)
September '20 Crate- 5k (9/2/20)
Wrath of the Oni- 5k (9/2/20)
Fleurs d'espoir- 15k (9/4/20)
Pinstripe Bunbun- 6k (9/5/20)
Cerf Lumineux- 3k (9/10/20)
Year of the Rooster- 2k (9/11/20)
Chemically Powered- 10k (9/15/20)
Plaid Tights- 3k (9/28/20)
Fleurs d'espoir- 14k (9/28/20)
In Stitches- 5k (10/2/20)
Sightless Monk- 25k (10/4/20)
Cybernetic Guard- 25k (10/4/20)
In Stitches- 5k (10/5/20)
Surgical Study- 5k (10/5/20)
Hedera Fey- 25k (10/5/20)
October '20 Crate- 5k (10/7/20)
Static Set- 20k (10/10/20)
Lonesome Hero- 10k (10/10/20)
Wondrous Wisteria- 9k (10/12/20)
Howling Mad- 6k (10/12/20)
Sky Master- 15k (10/13/20)
Magical Mystery- 15k (10/20/20)

Campfire (Camp Breaker '20 Goodie Bag)- 800 volts (9/2/20)
Campsite Tales- 500 volts (9/2/20)
Forest Foliage- 500 volts (9/2/20)
Frog Catching- 500 volts (9/2/20)
Chords for Singing- 200 volts (9/2/20)
Challenge the Leaf- 500 volts (9/2/20)
Bun Bun- 750 volts (9/2/20)
Motherhood- 500 volts (9/2/20)
Papa's Lil Angel- 750 volts (9/2/20)
Oh, Honey!- 750 volts (9/2/20)
Wounded Wildcat- 1k (9/2/20)
Conchious Swimmer- 750 volts (9/5/20)
Cozy Camping- 750 volts (9/5/20)
Photo Album (Winter Solstice '19 Goodie Bag)- 500 volts (9/5/20)
Children to Love- 200 volts (9/10/20)
Photo Album (Winter Solstice '19 Goodie Bag) x4- 500 volts each (9/10/20)
Winter Solstice '19 Bundle- 3k (9/11/20)
Big Bang- 450 volts (9/11/20)
Campfire (Camp Breaker '20 Goodie Bag) x3- 800 volts each (9/11/20)
Berserker x2- 2.5k each (9/12/20)
Leap and Achieve- 450 volts (9/13/20)
Photo Album (Winter Solstice '19 Goodie Bag)- 500 volts (9/13/20)
Summer Rabbit- 750 volts (9/13/20)
Cuppa Tea (Vibrance Day '19 Goodie Bag)- 350 volts (9/14/20)
Photo Album (Winter Solstice '19 Goodie Bag) x2- 500 volts each (9/14/20)
Summer Monkey- 750 volts (9/14/20)
V-day 2k20- 450 volts (9/15/20)
Knight- 8k (9/17/20)
Daisy- 300 volts (9/18/20)
Vibrance Day Glasses- 150 volts (9/18/20)
Bun Bun- 750 volts (9/18/20)
Team Trick- 600 volts (9/20/20)
Sour Candy- 500 volts (9/20/20)
Solstice Advent Ticket- 300 volts (9/20/20)
AOTW 2nd Place Bundle- 3k (9/20/20)
Cupcakes and Candle (Anniversary Block Party '20 Goodie Bag)- 600 volts (9/23/20)
Cirque Bucket (Reaping Ritual '18 Goodie Bag)- 1k (10/1/20)
Pi Day- 300 volts (10/2/20)
Ringmaster- 750 volts (10/4/20)
Snake Charmer- 750 volts (10/4/20)
Eclipse- 10k (10/6/20)
Vibrancy Day Garter x5- 100 volts each (10/10/20)
Cerf Lumineux- 3k (10/15/20)


Voltie — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/19 01:55:52 )

And here's another posts of my recent purchases and sales!

October '20 Crate- 5k
Fleurs d'espoir- 15k
Fallin' For You- 5k
Kpop Nonstop!- 5k
Too Hot- 17k
Sea Joker- 5k

In Stitches- 5k
Unique Droopy Ears- 2k
Through the Looking Glass, The Lion, Tweedle Dum x2, The Unicorn, Red King, The Jabberwock x2, White Queen x2, White King x2, Red Queen x2, and Red Knight x2- 500 volts each

I was too lazy to put exact dates this time, but maybe someone can find this info useful~


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/2 06:32:01 )

Rip, sorry for neglecting this thread ;u;
I ll try to get it updated
It might take a while tho xD


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/2 19:07:06 )

Hahaha i m good..
Yeahh I got quite busy irl
Project piling up, and there's the corona as well xD


Voltie — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/3 00:41:58 )

Welcome back!


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/3 02:15:11 )

My country is doing quite bad..
Low testing, Not so good health facility and lots of stupid people ;u;

Yeahh.. i dunno why, i thought we gonna get less project due to covid for sure.. but turn out there's a lot more than usual xD
And my boss can't really hire more new people because of the corona lol

After some little digging, seems like recent rare crates & recent orb rares price gone up from what it used to xD
I will start digging for real after i'm done adding the thumb image of the items hahha

@starlight: thank you *A*

Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/3 05:04:10 )

Lol thats funny, since our government say that we did better than the US on the pandemic.. like thats an achievement xD
The problem here is the lack of pcr testing.. we only have like 30-50k tests daily, and our population is basically around 260 million lol

Thank you so much ;u;
And yeah the new invo is awesome.. still a few bugs here & there.. but yeah, it feels lighter & great for organising things


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/3 08:19:20 )

In here, there are 2 ways to get a test
1. have symptoms and a close contact of someone who got covid to get the test ( free : the gov pay for you )
2. Get a test from registered hospital / lab on your own ( cost 75$ - 200$ )

Thats quite expensive, especially since the minimum wage here is around 300$ / month..

Lol yeah.. its way better at loading the inventory *A*

I dunno what to do with the invo boxes tbh
At first i thought its quite neat, since it can hide items in it from trade & equip
But the bugs kinda turn me off from using it xD


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/3 22:25:17 )
Hello! I don't know if this will help but here are all my buy/selling records from the last monthish

Harvest Deity for 3.5k on 11/27/2020
Reaping Ritual '18 Bundle for 1k and 800 ohms on 11/27/2020
Gone Batty for 7k on 11/26/2020
Demonic for 1000 ohms on 11/27/2020
Year of the Ox 200 Ohms on 11/30/2020
Corvid Culture 125 Ohms on 11/29/2020
Fortune Teller 225 Ohms on 11/29/2020
Magnificent Inspector 450 ohms 11/25/2020
The Electrician 250 ohms 11/25/2020
Vyctor’s Horns 1k volts 11/25/2020
Trick's Victory 1.5k volts 11/25/2020
Friendly Ghost (Marshmallow) 250 volts 11/25/2020
Vibrant Floral Crown 250 volts 11/25/2020
1m Voltra Royalty 200 ohms 11/30/2020
Nefarious Guard 25k 12/1/2020
olden wings 2k 12/1/2020
Bunbun 750 12/1/2020
Floral halo 1k 12/1/2020
Vibrance day glasses 250 12/1/2020
Vibrance day bag 250 12/1/2020
Big Bang 1k 12/1/2020
taurus: 2500 volts 12/3/2020
year of the snake: 2500 volts 12/3/2020
violets memories: 500 volts 12/3/2020
solstice spirit: 500 volts 12/3/2020
trick's victory: 800 volts 12/3/2020

Falling Star 15k on 11/24/2020
Hedera Fey for 18k in items on 11/27/2020
Sapphire for 20k on 11/26/2020
Sunrise Breakfast 1.5k 11/29/2020
Mother Arthropoda 15k 12/1/2020
Ruby 7k x2 12/1/2020
Amethyst 12k x2 12/1/2020
Peridot 600 ohms cant remember when
Garnet 600 ohms cant remember when

Traded Moonstone for Diamond
Traded Sapphire and Ruby for Year of the goat and dragon
Traded Garnet for Reaping Ritual 19 bundle
Traded hexed or blessed for fable beauty 12/1/2020
Mr. Spider wants M̷̖̥͓̋͆́̚o̶̟͛̅r̴̨͍͔̦̰͙̈́e̵̝͑̆͐

Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/4 03:12:12 )

Ahh thank you for the report *A*


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/4 03:19:50 )

@totalanimefan: ohh i haven't try the outfits feature yet xD
Its basically saving avi to use for later yes?


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/4 04:29:57 )

Ohhh thats neat, seems to be the best way is to buy the first slot with volts, then the rest using ohms xD


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/8 15:31:23 )

@totalanimefan: welp thats true xD

Looking at the prices this past few months, absolutely all over the place @_@
Especially the prices of the old items lol

Oh and seems like no one is selling the crate items at 4k anymore since May?

Quite unsure about placing the ryuo price as well xD
Since basically there is only 1 sale of it in 2020 and its at a staggering 100k T_T

Btw finally done with updating the price guide ( except the event 2018 - 2020 )
Got the prices for those event items, just too tired to continue ;u;
Will try to update this tomorrow

Let me know if i miss anything xD

Oh and to anyone wondering why the new crate & orb prices aren't up yet? Well its on purpose xD
I only update the price around a month after an item is released..


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/9 01:01:39 )

@totalanimefan: lol thats true xD
And now seems like the price of rare & rarest orb items are kinda equal, its just depends on which one people like best lol

Welp, the price of ryuo that i put is basically just out of 2 trades lol.. the only trade in 2020 ( 100k ) and the only trade of 2019 ( 47k ) lol
The other sales is basically from 2018 and its all lower than 19k..

I do however found another thread trying to offer 100k back in May, with no one taking it.. thats why i add the 100k price lol

And i actually found another thread selling the alicorn & ryuo for 100k each
But not even a single person ask to trade for it or atleast haggle for it hahahha...
Idk if people missed it, or just too scared of the asking price xD


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/9 01:39:40 )

@totalanimefan: lol thats true xD

I saw you in that thread actually hahahaha..
Its here


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/9 05:23:13 )

Nice to see you back and updating this! Total and I were worried for a minute!


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/9 09:24:10 )

Hahha yeah sorry about that xD


Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 03:39:55 )

Anyone know how much Peridots are going for?


Donator — He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/22 03:45:56 )

@Ruby: The rarest usually go for around 10k -15k,
Sometime it will cost more or less depending on the demand.. so around those prices i guess?


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