@booty: Hahhh lucky. I have to go at 8am. Hopefully they don't move me to night shift in the middle of my shift again.
I don't have a vehicle so I have to walk to and from work, but it's not a very long distance.Just sucks walking after a long shift.
@RainbowPanda: I'll have tooooo.
And same. I'm subbed to 300 or something.
— She/Her
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/3 10:16:40 )
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala
@Slytherclaw: Ahh okay. Yeah I wouldn't either.
@Unicorn: Yes, right away. Turns out her finger was fractured. It healed within a month though.
@booty: Buy em.
@Paranoia: I never know when I'm working. Both places don;t have me on a good or set schedule lol
And same, same.
@RainbowPanda: Honestly, me either. I think some have only one video I like watching.
OH, also, check out Criken2's ARK videos of Earthworm Jerry. They're to die for.
— She/Her
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/3 10:19:55 )
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala
@booty: Aw poop that sucks.
@Frodo: Yeah
Okay lol when I get the chance and if I remember.
Are they funny?
Oh do you watch MrCrainer or SSundee? Thea and Crainer?
@RainbowPanda: It's about a 'worm' cult and they try getting more people to join it.
It's fantastic.
I have not heard of them, no D: My YouTube pool is actually pretty small.
@RainbowPanda: My sister used to watch skydoesminecraft or something, but that's the extend :'D I know NickDominates did a Minecraft video back in the day, but I haven't watched his vids in months.
I need to find me some more YouTubers.
Also 98k? Jeeeesus
— She/Her
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/3 10:26:07 )
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala
@Frodo: Oh I don't watch him anymore. He swears too much but he is really funny tho.
Never heard of Nick >.<
Lol watch all the minecraft youtubers!!
@Paranoia: I've been spending some, but I'm still super close.