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Forums General Chit-Chat I work at a bakery and it's killing my energy

Donator — I am Cat Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/28 21:19:52 )

Yesterday we had 3 call outs and I already had to work 2p-10:30p. And then 2 of those same
people called out today as well. I have to work 5p-10:30p today. I do not look forward
to cleaning and all. But don't get me wrong. I love my job! It is just super stressful around holidays.

Anyone else work at a bakery?

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/28 23:25:38 )
No, but I would love to work in a bakery. :O

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/29 02:02:03 )
I don't work in a bakery, but I love finding those because I'm a fiend for baked goods. xD

Also I know the feeling of stress due to call-outs since I work at a long term care facility and that's an unfortunate part of the business. Thankfully it doesn't happen a ton in my department, personally, but feeling spread thin is something I'm very familiar with.
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Donator — Whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/29 03:10:25 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

No, but I'm at a factory where calling out is just as annoying
Tho right now they're not really happening because no one wants to lose vacation pay and we just got off of one and have another coming up already. Gotta work day before and day after (or shift, since Thursday shift crosses two days) to get the holiday pay. Unless you're temp agency. Then no holiday pay for you I'm not union yet but I was hired direct so yay holiday pay

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — I am Cat Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/29 05:02:23 )

Oh. Don't be sad. You will get a job soon enough.


Bakerys are a tough job. They take a lot of effort. And speed is extremely important!


100%! Though.... They all know I'm T1 Diabetic.... So they
Don't like giving me baked goods... Lol. I also work with my boyfriend. And he told them to not feed the anal bean.....
Question. What is the volt to usd? How many volts for $1 usd?


It really does. And when it happens it adds to everyone else's work. Thankfully I just got a promotion and have the skills to be more helpful.
But even when things like this happen everyone still tries to have fun.

Voltie — YTP Mule Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/29 12:48:07 )
I work at a coffee shop!
And I find it hard to cover other peoples' shift if
they either can't make it or call out for whatever reason.
But I am glad you love your job!

Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/30 01:01:11 )

I don't, but I've thought about it off and on over the years. I really like things like baking, cooking, cake decorating, etc... but I don't know if I have what it takes to actually work in a bakery lol. If it's not a quiet hobby I can do in my own time, I'm not sure how much I'd actually enjoy it then. Guess it would depend on the individual place and the people you'd be working with/for...

I can imagine holiday season would be especially rough for you, though. I work in a grocery store and it gets ridiculous around this time, especially when people start calling out every day.


Donator — I am Cat Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/3 03:19:25 )
@Kitalph Hart:

I can only get paid vacations if I am fulltime. I
work for a grocery store with a pharmacy.
And I have no intentions to become one. They already work
me and my boyfriend too much. We're both part timers but
we both work 32-40+ hours a week. I got 24H this week for the
first time in over a month. I am going to relax this week.
But yeah. Call outs are the worst around the holidays.


You should get out a recipe she loves
and you loved doing with her and ask her
to bake it with you! I went through the same
thing with my mom. We had to move because of my younger
brother needing surgery after he was born and my mom went
through PTSD and anxiety in fear of him not making it. But
my dad, sister, brother, and I got together and asked her to
bake with us, and it really helped her. She still needed medicine
to help her cope, but she felt better and was able to smile
and laugh that day.

@Count Trashula:

Oh, it is actually quite easy! It might take a month or so to get
the gist of how to work in a bakery, but it'll be worth it because once you get
the easy stuff down, you can go to learning the 'How to' with baking and
decorating! It took me nearly 2 years to get to where I am because of
nerves. I wasn't confident in myself that I would do a good job. But
now that I am working on the decorator side, my confidence is becoming
stronger and stronger!! I made my first Chantilly Cake and my manager was
very proud of my work. Now I do the Chantillies at work! I will be learning
how to do the Ganache next!
You can't let your nerves control your actions. Take the step and try it out!
If it ends up not being for you, there are plenty of other jobs out there
that are just right for you!
Working in a grocery store bakery is a pretty good start. But I believe
self owned bakeries might be easier since their guide lines and rules
are more flowing than a grocery store. With grocery stores, everything has
to weigh a specific amount. So being creative isn't always easy.

Donator — I am Cat Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/4 06:55:32 )

I understand the small apt.
My boyfriend and I live in a small
apt and the kitchen is the lamest thing
here. But you can still make it work!
We do baking from time to time and
our goods come out nice. It's not the size
that is usually the problem. It's the mind set.
So be positive and encouraging! Go have fun
with your mom!

Donator — They/Them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/4 07:57:10 )
I don't work at a bakery but in the restaurant world. It's exhausting. The customer abuse was getting so bad I had to switch to back of house for my mental health. The amount of times people had to wait more than 10 minutes for their food and literally yelling at me for not getting their food out first despite people being ahead of them...wegberjgberg
I couldn't do it anymore. I've been feeling a lot better now that I don't have to deal with customers anymore.
But management really needs to discipline people. Call outs, no shows, overall poor work ethics. Bah.
Today I worked almost 8 hours cuz 2 people called out (one of which was a double, she never returned from her break). They don't write these people up, they don't fire people. Nothing. It was such a bad night too for only 4 people. We made it work but jfc man.

Sorry that was a rant.
The food industry is something I cant wait to leave behind.

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/4 12:12:58 )

I do not miss my bakery days. Mine were 9 hour shifts where no one could call out because it waS ONLY ME ANYWAYS. DYING.
Never again :vanora_cry:
This was a walmart bakery at a high traffic location ksdfksd

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Donator — I am Cat Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/4 17:28:26 )
@Ouja Akuma:

Well geez.... There's something wrong with your manager.
If your manager doesn't take his/her position the
way they are meant to, then management isn't where
they need to be!! I'm sorry you have o deal with all that bs.
And it's okay to rant about your day! This topic is basically
a ranting topic. I have many days I just need to rant. So if
you ever just need or want to rant about work, come on
by and blow this topic up! xD lol >,-> Don't really blow it up
though. I don't feel like making another one.
Do you have any other job interests? Maybe you should look
into other places that are looking to hire someone. A job
that you will feel mentally better at. Working somewhere where
your constantly getting mentally abused or hurt is too toxic for
anyone. So try to get out of that nasty toxic place as soon as you can.


You were working at a Wal-Mart bakery. That is why it sucked xD
My mom worked at one in the mid northern states and she said it was
a living hell. And that was just her in a bakery... At night. during the dead hours.
She was also 7 months pregnant. But it helped her realize her passion for
making cakes was something she could do from home. And thus her freelancing
bakery job started! She's been baking ever since and even added sewing, embroidering,
vynal to her business. She is no longer a freelance baker, but a freelance business owner.
She works from home making whatever she is asked to make along as it follows
her simple rules. Like nothing inappropriate and such like things.
So just because the temp job at your Wal-Mart bakery didn't turn out as you hoped
or wanted, there are plenty of stores that have better bakeries. I work at a Publix bakery.
It's an Eastern US grocery store. And even though in particularly, my Publix I work at has
pore managers, it is still quite fun to work there. I enjoy doing what I do.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/4 19:03:18 )

Nope but I love baked sweets! And it seems a nice job to have but is understandable how stressful it can be during holidays.
Do you often bring home some leftovers?


Donator — They/Them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 01:28:32 )
@YukiThePanda: I'm in school atm so I'm just waiting to graduate honestly. So no job I get before then would be mentally better for me cuz it's not what I want to do with my life lol. Tho by this time next year I should be in a new city and transferring locations so...maybe that'll be a nice refresher. Just gotta tolerate with the bs until then....3 more years....soooon

Donator — I am Cat Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 02:24:59 )

If you love baked goods, you should
try working at a bakery. It is stressful
around holidays, but the ability to make
things for other people without having
to destroy your own kitchen makes it
more tolerable. xD And no. It is considered
theft. Or at least where I work. Publix has pretty
strict policies and guidelines. So if you want to try
something or just have a nibble, you will have to
first get the manager's permission, then only eat it
in the bakery. But don't do it too often. It can lead to
the manager calling you out and making you pay
for everything you want in the future.

@Ouja Akuma:

Oh... Three years is a distance.... But even a highschooler
can get a decent job. Chick fil A hires 16+ and Publix as well.
I believe Aldi does too. But I don't currently live by one. But it
is good you have patience. Patience is a very god thing to
have. It will get you far in life. I had no patience at the beginning
of last year with my job, and nothing changed for me. So
realizing that, I just kept doing my job and tried to become
faster and better at the work I was to do. Come November, they
finally promoted me to a decorator's apprentice.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 04:04:49 )

@YukiThePanda: Ah I see I never knew that and yes I always like to work on a bakery or on a local cafe. It always smells so nice every time I entered in a bakery in the past. You got yourself a nice job there ^^


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Donator — They/Them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 05:13:00 )
@YukiThePanda: I'm 28 and in college lol.
I was also denied a promotion in favor of an 18 year old with 0 experience verses my 5 years. It was a low blow. It's also why I moved to the back because the position was for front of house. I keep my eyes open for new jobs but this has been the steady one, never had a loss in hours, easy to understand menu, some of the coworkers are sweet beans so they make it tolerable. Once I graduate school tho I can finally work alone and be far far away from people lol
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