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Forums General Chit-Chat Does anyone know of?

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 16:10:20 )
What's higher than the top, that's me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
'Cause that's the only drop they'll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

Well there is a few things i would like to do this year so if anyone can answer any of these ^^

1. best place to have a personal blog ( i want to do like a craft/life blog and i use to use livejournal but i know that's a dieing breed)
2. best place to learn a new Language?
3. looking into getting possibly a drawing tablet near my birthday whats the best (prefer one with a screen so i don't have to plug it into a computer)
4. best way to get ride of negative thoughts (i'm my worst bully due to letting other bullys beat me down)

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I'm floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 17:12:51 )
I enjoy Vero app for blog/social media. It might not be what you're looking for though.
I personally use memrise and duolingo.
I can't suggest good drawing tablets, I have two that connect to the computer.

Then with thoughts, I recommend at the end of each day to write down 3-6 positive good things about your day. Or up-lifting things about yourself. "My hair looked nice today" "My coffee was delicious" "____ place wasn't crowded and I shopped comfortably."
Just positive things to go to bed with so you don't carry the crappy stuff with you into the next day.
I have a few other suggestions too that have to do with writing, but this one is the easiest.

Donator — Frog bless Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 17:28:52 )
I only have answers for 3 and 4.

Personally I've absolutely fallen in love with the iPad for drawing. It's portable and powerful and the Apple Pencil is the best drawing experience I've had in a long time. The only downside is in applications as there are limits to what you have access to.

As for negative thoughts, distractions are good until that moment passes. If you struggle with self esteem, when you find yourself in that space, try to think of the things about yourself that you DO like. Try to focus on those and not the negatives. Treat yourself as you would a friend. Also remember that you are still growing as a person (as we all are) and where you are now is not where you'll be forever. We don't need to be perfect, we just need to do our best with what we have right now.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 18:30:35 )

Livejournal has a successor, Dreamwidth, which is fairly active. And no ads!


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 01:41:13 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

1: i personaly use blogger but i use it as my portfolio as its easy to post on for me.

2: best way imo is by being surounded by the language you want to learn. Obv not traveling lol. But i learnd english trought the internet, by watching videos, most of my intrests had a mainly english speaking fanbase so in order for me to like talk about it was in english. So i sugest whatever language you want to learn to primarly watch/read that language. Another good thing i heard is having a friend who speaks said language and only comunicate in that language with them.

3: "with a screen"? Like an ipad? i asume so since you dont want to plug it into a pc. Personally im saving up for a display tablet, a kamvas huion 13.

4: Im not compleatly sure, i still strugle with it myself. I just know if i think to much like when id go to bed i do breathing excercises and count. Brian has to think about breathing and counting so no negative thoughts come in huhu. But its also a way for me to look at the problems im facing in another light. I try to think or write down everything in detail that bothers me and why, and then think "is this worth it?". Also my psychologist told me some things you cant help and you just have to let it be but also not lock away, if you need to cry let it happen. Ofc idk if it would help you.
Also going to a psychologist you trust is great! Im not sure about other places but in belgium we have a few places for people under 25 and its a bunch of psychologists that help you for free.

I wish you the best of luck with whatever your going trough!!!

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

♦ Gob | 23 | Taurus | Belgium ♦
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Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 01:47:06 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Koah: hmm thats a good point on the 3 to 6 thing. I'll maybe invest into getting a notebook to keep near my bed. Do it as a before i go to bed kind of thing

@priestess of pie: hmm that's kind of hard i never liked my self since i was little (my sister tried living how she wanted threw me ... more cus i had the figure she wanted so she tried to get me to wear what she wanted if she had my body ( dresses and during the summer bikkins.. i was a tom boy she hated how i hide my body )) but I'll try to find something is like about my self. I think at the moment the fact that i'm kind hearted and try to help others would be the main thing (though i tend to put others before my self 100% of the time ^^ double edge sword i guess)

hmm What programs do you use on your iPad i have two oldones (one mini one old iPad) maybe i could try drawing on those if the program works on it

@sunny: oh I'll have to check into that i didn't know they 'upgrade' sorta speak

@bioshock: i tried tumbler once but it didn't feel the way i wanted but that was ages ago maybe i should check back

@GoblinsAndTea: well the only bad part is one of the language things is one of the things is one of the languages i want to learn no one really speaks except in very few parts of Ireland. But I'll try to watch some stuff see if that helps.

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 02:44:44 )
Moody Says. . .


I can only answer about tablets. Most screen tablets tho, you will stll need to plug into a computer.
So not plugging it in I only know about Ipad Pro and Surface pro.
but both can be rather pricey.

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 03:02:46 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@MoodyB: Well i mean i had a wacom back in 06 and it was just like a little and it was odd to see the pen moving on the screen while my hand was off to the side ... i'm kind of thinking like

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 03:16:10 )
Moody Says. . .


@Kittyzilla: your post was a little unclear kinda sounded like you wanted a tablet to not plug into tge computer as that would be more up ipad/surface pro approach as most screen tablets are powered by plugging it into a computer.
non-displays [with no screen] i'm mostly use to.

but Wacom is a good brand but kinda more towards the pricey side. but if you have wiggle room income wise its a good brand. But if not, XP Pen and huion are good alternatives for less money for screen tablets.

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 03:19:23 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@MoodyB: ^^; Yea i realized what people were saying i was like 'opps ' when i re read what i posted. Thats why i threw the pictures in to kind explain better on what i meant by screen. Though i do have older ipads threw them on the charger maybe i can find art programs i didn't think of of them but since there old i most likely cant. But yea it's going to be a while before i get any but just wanted to get some ideas (might not be until taxes come out i don't know)

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 04:20:31 )
Moody Says. . .


@Kittyzilla: i'd honestly start off with non-displays in the beginning
despite not having screens, they work great. and they are more for a budget friendly situations and save a lot of money since
sometimes screens can be from $200-1k or more.
so it could help you get back into the swing of art better and help you adjust at first and eventually upgrade to the screen tablet.

but that's just my opinion. i don't know if i'd ever upgrade to screens as they're just so far out of my budget.

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Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 04:33:32 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@MoodyB: Well i did find out one of my ipads did allow me to down load sketchbook it's and older addition due to my iPad being 4th generation not sure about my iPad mini so ^^ this will work for a few

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — Frog bless Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 16:30:56 )
@Kittyzilla: I forget where the cutoff is, but I know some older iPads don't work with the Apple Pencil (which was actually what prompted me to buy a newer iPad). I got my Apple Pencil 2nd hand from someone on Facebook so I got it at a discount.

As far as programs, the typical programs people use are either...

Procreate which is a 1 time fee and it's a great program with lots of good brushes and features, but may have some limitations if you are used to working with lots of layers. Also kind of limited in the editing area (or at least it seems a lot harder to get to/takes a lot more steps to achieve the same thing). I think this program would best be used by someone who is used to using traditional media.

Clip Studio does have a version for iPad, but it's a monthly subscription fee (unlike the PC version). I pay it because I love the features and I use it a lot, but I know that's not for everyone.

I'm not aware of any free programs that have decent features (though they may exist, I don't know everything).

Also, being kind to yourself may be hard at first, but I promise it gets easier the more you do it.


Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 16:42:00 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Priestess of Pie: Well my nephew has an iphone and his a really cool styles he bought for it which i got two of them they do work on my touch screen computer (haven't tried the pen on my iPad yet) but it did look like one of my ipads i could get sketchbook pro (haven't checked with my mini yet) I use to use that program long ago so i might try working with that one.

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — Frog bless Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 16:46:22 )
@kittyzilla: I used to use a stylus just like that (before I ultimately wore it out)! It worked pretty good but had no pressure sensitivity. I also didn't like how fat the tip was and it kinda got in my way several times. The disc side is a little awkward too and I never got used to it. Might be good though if you can get past that. I still use a similar stylus for my phone.

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 16:56:09 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Priestess of Pie: Well I would normally use my touch screen but it doesn't have a pen sensitive but the screen is so sensitive that if i'm drawing and the side of my hand touhes the screen it registers it. which sucks so bad when your drawing. So maybe if i start with my iPad then work my way up to other tablets or such it will work out nice.It will be som where to start with atless right ^^

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — Frog bless Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 17:29:46 )
@kittyzilla: Yes, something is always better than nothing. You may try wearing a glove while drawing to prevent your hand from touching the screen. I know that a lot of the newer tablets have palm rejection technology so it knows not to make marks where your hand rests on the screen so that makes it a lot easier. It still happens sometimes though lol. I have to pay attention and watch for stray marks.

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 17:32:17 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Priestess of Pie: sadly i have tried that but still sees it which sucks. maybe this weekend i will be able to try it ( hoping to try it on a day off were i can actually learn vs just playing around)

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Voltie — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 18:12:36 )

2. best place to learn a new Language?

I used to keep a language log on this forum. It's a forum for language learners, and people can keep language logs, share resources, set up language learning challenges, ask and answer questions, and so on. I also tend to look at the language learning subreddit as well as subreddits for the specific languages (Korean and Russian) that I'm learning from time to time. When it comes to actual resources, the ones I use for Russian and Korean are mostly specific to the given language. For Korean I started off going through the Korean Grammar in Use books, and now I'm mostly trying to learn more from watching shows and reading. I just started learning Russian, so I'm mostly focusing on working through The New Penguin Russian Course. It's a book that I saw recommended a lot when I looked at lists of Russian resources on various sites. I also watch some videos in Russian that are mostly geared towards learners. I can't understand much at this point, but I like to listen to help me get used to the sounds of the language and to try and listen for the words I've learned so far. One tool I do use for both languages is Anki. I use it to remember grammar points and vocabulary, but I haven't been using it as much for Korean lately.


Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/7 00:06:56 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Starlight: Oh thank you i'll look into it thank you so much

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


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