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Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 15:18:23 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

Really don't want to go to work but before work (12pm to 4pm) but until then Saiyuki 38/50 episodes to go and making 'children' (actually crocheting some juvenile dragons) If i can maybe make an adult dragon if i have the right size yarn.

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 15:24:20 )
lol I hear you there. I started working out this week after years of being pretty inactive, and I'm not looking forward to needing to work out before work. xP But it must be done!

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 15:43:48 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Aisukohi: Well I been working during the whole covid thing but a co worker of mine is out (hoping not with covid) but my work week this week is Monday - Friday (Monday tuesday were my days off and i might have to work Saturday too) Just when I started to think of actually doing something for my self (for once i always do things for others before myself) and people keep telling me 'well it's more money' but it's like yea by my mental health and my physical well being is important too ^^; Like Monday i was planning like a mini spa day.. a work out a foot bath pull out my massage tools (i went to massage class so i could be massage therapist but with covid and how therapists have to work i wouldn't be able to do it and a moved so all my massage stuff still in boxes) and maybe draw or write a little ... but nope was told 'hey you need to come in' sigh. But i guess I so have to look for the money wise.

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 16:26:38 )
@Kittyzilla: Yeah, call-outs can be really draining, both mentally and physically. I hope whenever you get your days off, you can relax and have your spa day like you wanted. :)

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 16:34:45 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Aisukohi: I Hope so ^^ just don't know when that will be cus if the coworker does have covid that means I'll be working more hours. I know he had a fever so he took a covid test to bed sure but they have yet to hear back from the results hopefully today they will hear back hope things are good.

What kind of work out do you do before work and what time do you do it . Before my depression hit (after my grandmother passed) I would wake up at 4 do my work out before work and i would go to work around 7

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 16:55:08 )
@Kittyzilla: Well by law, you do need a day off in the week, because it's illegal to work all 7 days of the week (at least here in the States, I'm not sure where you live). I hope things turn out well for your coworker though because that's a scary virus to have.

I've kinda been winging it so far. I start with stretches, and then I do a few core workout routines which is based on the floor on a yoga mat. Then I get on the treadmill and walk/jog at least a mile (I'm working my way up to be able to jog the whole way, and eventually get it to a certain time). Also I try lifting 5 lb weights with my arms. So a little of everything. As for time, I usually drop my son off to school about 8:30, so by the time I get back home and changed into workout clothes, I start and finish from about 9-10 am. I can only do that on days that I don't work at 9 am though, since some days I work 11:30-8. So it won't be an everyday type of thing for me.

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 17:06:08 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Aisukohi: well i know i do ddpy (diamond Dallis page yoga) it does a lot of body restriction. Like instead of using weights you use your own body as a restraint so it's like using your body as weights. At first I thought it was stupid but it was amazing to feel the changes and see them. It actually helped strengthen muscles that were weak i gained so much mobility. But it seems like you're on a good routine. I miss my mile walks. were i live i would walk past the elementary school to the pond that is near by hang out and watch the swans and ducks for a bit (if no one was fishing) than take the back road home. But it's getting to cold to go up to the pond even my dog doesn't want go.

Yea in our place we have had a few people who have had it. And i over heard one of them talking when it came back. With how he felt during the time. He said it wasn't has horrible as others had (like the hospital side) but he said it was like a really bad head cold that you couldn't shake mixed with a flu that you chouldn't knock down. I really don't wish that upon any one. I mean i have had a sinus infection i couldn't get rid of for a month. (like every sinus cavity was inflamed the doctor had me get a sinus x-ray and she felt so bad for me with how inflamed they were) So i could only image how drained the person can feel. So i'm really hoping our co worker just had a 24 hour bug and the test comes back negative.

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 17:12:01 )
@Kittyzilla: That sounds like a neat exercise, and it's great because you don't have to worry about buying/having any weights! I've considered trying yoga in general, but I have no idea where to start. I know it's supposed to help improve circulation, which is what I really need for my legs. I'm glad you've seen progress with yourself! Those walks sound really nice too, and I hope it warms up for you soon so you can resume them. I'm so lucky to have a community gym that I can go to whenever.

I don't envy people who get sinus infections, so that must have been hell for you. </3 One of my distant coworkers (she works in an affiliated office) got it and she said it felt like a severe sinus infection for her. I know other coworkers who got covid and they had various degrees of uncomfortability.

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 17:21:12 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Aisukohi: I just hope this thing goes away soon. I mean illnesses will take lives no matter what.... But the world had so much death (along with my family not due to covid) we need good in this year. So the virus going away would be nice. And a good start.

Have you thought of Taichi? It also helps with circulation but also helps with energy ... I mean yea technically it's martial arts... And what insitred water bending style for avatar... I went to a few classes which was really weird cus i was the youngest out of all of them (like my mom wanted to try it's why i went to class but every one besides me were 50s to 60s so i felt like i was getting a lot of evil glares when the teacher complemented how easy it came to me) but i started with youtube then i bought a class on iTunes. I would do it before work (before i started the ddpy) and before bed it as doing really good for me but than i found ddpy and i found out we had to moveand it went poof I really should pick up both work out and others maybe next month hopefully when things settle

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 19:39:04 )
@Kittyzilla: Yeah, I feel like the vaccine is a good start! Even though I'm appalled at some of the things that have come from it so far (doses being wasted, or given to those who shouldn't have been prioritized, for example). My work finally got word on when they're getting the vaccine, and it'll be the 18th (I work in an assisted living and memory care facility). We SHOULD have been on the same level of priority as skilled nursing facilities, but nothing I can do about that.

I haven't thought about taichi, but I'm not really a fan of martial arts. I did taekwondo for a couple years as a child and really didn't care for it. I'm sure that class was pretty uncomfortable. x-x Be sure not to push yourself too hard!
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Donator — She,Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 23:25:32 )
What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

@Aisukohi: Very true you should be ranked higher in that case

well tai chi is a martial arts but it isn't in my mind. I mean i seen it used in that style but it's more used in slower settings to help mobility and circulation ... When i seen it in a martial arts setting its more defence.

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow


Donator — Whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/7 01:09:38 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

States is one in 14 on a federal level
One in 7 is generally at state or company level
Summer job had one in seven of a work week off, for most people. Lifeguards were constantly one in 14 due to staffing problems, as were some other people. Where I work now, before someone went to the labor board about how it was draining them, they had every other Sunday off, aka one in 14 again
But yeah, after a long time of little activity to this job, pretty draining especially when mom lets the nieces come over and raise hell, which makes it hard to sleep

Put ya guns awn!


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