What's higher than the top, that's me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
'Cause that's the only drop they'll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen
Come take a look before falling at my feet
'Cause that's the only drop they'll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen
So i been watching saituki lately and corcheting. And as i croched while watching saiyuki i remebered I have a pound of white yarn (roughly made two small projects with it ) then i also remembered i had a dragon pattern to crochet.. Need less to say i gave the safety eyes but there either brown or black. ANy one know how to turn them red? (also sorry for bad grammar or spelling i'm on day 4 of a 6day work week so my energy is kind of low and brian really doesn't want to think)... Thank ins advance

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I'm floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I'm floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow