Vanora stands by the window, watching the snow piling up more and more. She faces her friends, who seemed concerned over the situation, but what was there to gloom about? They were all here together after all! “Hmm… what should I do…?”
“Aha!” She remembers packing one of her favorite games and runs off to grab it. To think Vivienne said it was a bad idea bringing a game like this to a winter getaway... Rushing back into the hall, Vanora proudly calls out to the group and displays her geeky looking game... Only to be met with varying levels of enthusiasm. “Okay, maybe Vivi was right after all.” She laughs weakly, scratching her cheek.
Not letting this bring her down, she turns on her feet to then face you with a smile. “You’ll help me get through this campaign right?”
Shaking his head with a soft chuckle, Vyctor approaches the table. “Eh. Why not, it looks like a good way to kill time. Count me in, too.”
“Cool! Our group’s set then, let’s go!” Excitedly, she runs off to a table and sets up for a game, while you and Vyctor shrug and head over to join her.

Art by Saeyra