By the roaring fireplace sits four members of Cirque ad Infinitum. It isn't hard to notice them as the youngest of the group carries on with a grumpy tirade, "I knew we should have stayed back in Voltra with Berinhard and Arika..." Constance clicks her tongue in annoyance, before shooting a fiery glare to Io, "Hey future boy! Why didn't you do the one thing you're good at and warn us about this, huh? You defective or something? How do you miss something like a snow storm?!"
"C-Connie!" Ran exclaims, her cheeks flushed in surprise, "H-He does his best! H-He can't be expected to see everything!"
"it's fine..." The oracle sighs softly, holding up his hands in a vain attempt to calm the fuming clown, "To be honest with you all... I did see this coming."
"WHAT?!" Everyone gasps in unison, before Connie begins to stamp her feet.
"So why did we come out here then?!"
"Because I've also seen how our vacation would have looked if we stayed in Voltra... Mn... Let's just say, we have a lot more fun here..." Io hesitates for a moment, fidgeting with his fingers before muttering quickly under his breath, "Also, Connie keeps both her eyebrows in this scenario..." He coughs softly, before raising his voice again, "However, to have some fun we're going to need to come up with some activities to entertain the other guests... Would you all like to assist me?"
"Heh, that's our Io, always coming up with a plan for anything..." Lin grins affectionately, ruffling his companion's hair, "Ya know I always have your back, starshine. Let's get to it, huh?"
"Y-Yes!" Ran agrees, running up to his other side, "I-I'd like to help any way I can!"
Constance springs up to her feet, running after the others with a scowl, "Wait! What was that about my eyebrows??"

Art by ghost