What\\\'s higher than the top, that\\\'s me
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen
Come take a look before falling at my feet
\\\'Cause that\\\'s the only drop they\\\'ll be
So take a look, better recognize a queen

So I love this woman. She has a shop on etsy called CraftyIntentions Always amazing patterns. Well i gotten most of her dragons (she has added quite a lot since the last time i been on her shop) I have the adult dragon which is 18inches. And i found a Wyrm Wyvern which is 12 inchs... so my brain started to think of.... Oh my god i have white yarn what if i make Hakuryuu I love that little guy.... Though the problem is simple... 1... need some red eyes... well that's fixed since i just took my plastic doll eyes and painted them red.....2..... how do i get a 12 inch pattern to be 18 inch.... i started to compare the adult dragon to this little wyrm so i'm going to see where the body changes and go from there.... I will be making a 12 in and and 18 inch.... So If you like to watch the jonery of this little dragon please stay tune... Also feel free to talk and hang aswell.

Way out
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow
Feeling like an ocean, on the wave now
Feeling like I\\\'m floating, never weighed down
This is how I do it everyday, wow, wow