Valentina’s swift pencil scribbles around in her notepad as its owner completely fails to notice Vaughn looking over her shoulder. “And what’s got ‘ya in a tizzy there, Val?” He asks, curious about her sudden, manic state of creativity.
She doesn’t reply immediately, engrossed in what Vaughn soon recognizes as a sketch of a sweater. “Bein’ stuck here, we got time ‘ta kill, right? Figured I’d try my hand at a Solstice tradition…” She eventually mumbles. After some more quick scrawling, she whirls around and thrusts the notepad right in Vaughn’s face with an exuberant “TA DA!”
Chortling at the sight of Valentina’s design, Vaughn steps back a bit before taking out his own notepad. “Y’know what, that sounds like fun…let’s see if we can’t come up with even worse stuff, eh?” And with mischievous smiles shared between them, the two get to work…

Art by Kairu