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Forums Winter Solstice 2020 ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 16:06:34 )
@Purpsy: It's not really heavy, but eating a lot of it at once is more than a reasonable person would want to eat. A small piece of it, however, is awesome to compliment an otherwise light meal. I'll usually have it with breakfast or as a snack (like with an apple).

So how are you today so far?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 16:10:04 )

@Wildfire: I see.
I'm doing fine and about to draw soon.
I don't feel so tired for once I think I had enough sleep.

And you? :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 16:12:57 )
-pokes at your missing buttons- lol (your quote/mention buttons didn't load for some reason - odd)

I'm doing ok. I'm a little distracted at the moment, actually. My sketchbook was calling to me, so I listened - lol.
What are you going to draw today?

... and I"ll BRB - I'm going to go finish what I started (should only be a few minutes, really)


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 16:14:46 )

Still trying to finish a drawing actually for Diavolos
Gotts finish it soon as I can so I can join some event activities here xD

What about you? What are you drawing?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 17:11:46 )
@Wildfire: My to-do list includes kids' schools.
Running to the library to pick up a reserve.
and making dinner.

I hope your dog feels better soon. <3

and I haven't a clue how many shoes I have, they're spread all over the house. I got my seasonal shoes in one room and my "wear everywhere" ones by the door. I got costume shoes in a bucket with my costumes... I have a lot of shoes. :|

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 18:13:53 )
@Purpsy: How is your drawing going?

@Koah: LOL - you sound like me - I have FAR too many shoes and they are strewn all over the place too - "run to the mailbox" slip ons by the doors, and most of the rest of them in the closet. Most of them are sneakers and boots. I can't wear the boots very often because it's Florida, though, but omg I love them! (has on my blue Doc's now)


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 18:15:28 )
I am very distracted in an away from the computer kind of day. It's not what I was expecting, and I'm sure I'll be online more this afternoon. Right now though - I need to run an errand and make an exchange at Target 'cuz the bins I bought don't fit the shelves I was going to use them on. Here's hoping the ones I do need are in stock!! BBL.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 18:40:21 )

@Wildfire: I am doooooonnneee!
Is on my art dump thread if your curious to see. The link is on my sig.

How about in your end?


Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 19:10:19 )
@Wildfire: I hope you find the right bins. I hate it when that happens. D:
I'm casually online trying to sort my teen's email inbox. She never tried to organize it and it's her primary source of keeping in touch with her teachers. There were 100 unread messages. e.e" She gave up on keeping track of assignments, etc. :T It's like going through someone's snail mail that got tossed in a pile, I'm finding missing assignments and stuff like that. <.<"

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 20:37:32 )
@Purpsy: Oh that's cuuuuute! <3 Congrats on getting it finished!
I don't know if I'm done sketching and whatnot for the day yet. I guess we'll see!

@koah: Oh yeah... I know that feeling and that project! But, once it's done, it will help sooooo much!! Still, it's not exactly a joyful project to have to do. Good luck!!


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 20:38:01 )
I just got back from running that errand, and now the dog wants to cuddle (the silly, adorable, slightly annoying thing!). Target had one of the baskets I was looking for (I was hoping for two) in gray (I was hoping for white, but it doesn't really matter).

What's going on with you guys or going on with Voltra - is there anything new and exciting??


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 21:24:02 )
@Wildfire: The email project is done. It's organized and she's been dismissed from old assignments. Her teachers just want to see her get back on track.
She needs about the same amount of breaks as my own little kids do.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 21:27:08 )
@Koah: Oh! Progress!! <3
I'm not surprised she needs about as many breaks as your little ones do. *I* probably need as many breaks as your little ones do!! XD

How are you holding up??


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 21:33:34 )
@Wildfire: I need breaks too, I become lethargic if I sit at the computer for too long. I'm encouraging her to play with my little kids to get some of that teen energy out and that inner child to come out and play.

Ya'know, thank you for asking. I'm okay. Sunday and Monday- I burned out a little. Today I am recharged. Her mom [my sister] adds a lot of stuff on top of just schoolwork. It drives me a little bonkers. :\ The kid can hardly handle the stress of school, let alone after school projects and extra classes from tutors. She really is forced to do school work from 8am until 5pm. and that's without homework added in.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 21:45:26 )
@Koah: Of course I'm going to ask! I know what it's like trying to stay on top of all that stuff every day! It is absolutely exhausting - some days more than others (depending on the kids, usually). Please make sure you take the time for yourself that you need so that you can keep on going (and yes, I fully know how completely difficult this can be!!) - it's important!

I'm glad you're feeling recharged today. I like the idea of having the teen play with the little ones - there's all kinds of good things that can come out of that! :3

No wonder your niece is rebelling. Can you convince your sister to lay off for a little while and refocus on the basics, before adding all kinds of extras back in to the day? Can I tell you that before my kids started the dual-enrollment program and when I was fully homeschooling them, they had a full course-load of academics (that I chose, organized, assigned, etc., but it covered all the basics you would expect), yet our school day was typically ~3hrs long? (longer if they were being little sh*ts about doing their work that day) Does your niece like the extra things her mom is throwing at her or would she prefer to do something else? What pace does she want to work? What things does she want to learn or do or explore?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 22:16:33 )
My niece has zero interest in a lot of the things my sister set up for her. My sister is dedicated to being a helicopter mom and having me take over has been hard on her. She keeps trying to helicopter, reminding me of unread emails, reminding me to buy her unnecessary items. The list goes on.
The worst part is that my sister started a business-like move this year and slapped my niece's name on it. So any business-related things, meetings, etc, my niece has to be apart of. My niece hates it. She didn't want to do it in the first place. -sighs-
It's a matter of my sister thinking my niece has to be busy to be a good kid.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 22:38:22 )
@Koah: Oh, that's really unfortunate. I'm sorry. IMO your sister really needs to take a giant step back, and your niece needs to find her assertive voice ... but I know that's much easier said than done most of the time - especially from a kid's perspective. It really sounds like your niece needs a serious break from your sister and the demands she's placing upon her. It doesn't sound healthy :( It does seem like you understand the situation though and may be able to broker a little more of a realistic schedule (& expectations) for your niece! Tough situation though!!


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 22:45:23 )

i better stop by and roll on the floor of wild's event thread too >:3


avatar closetshop
please @ me

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 22:47:58 )
@Wildfire: I have to watch what I say, my niece has separated parents. Each to their own extreme with parenting. One being a helicopter mom and another being loosy-goosy. She's an only kid. It shows. e.e"
Anyhow, yeah, my niece loves the expectations put in place for her here. It's been a week and a half and she's doing well. The homework pileup and extra crap from her mom is driving me nuts though. >;(

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/12 22:48:17 )
@Vixen: Yay! It's a rolling Vixen!
... wait? What does that mean???

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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