How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
@PoeticTorment: not much made revamaped my hangout thread not that anyone is there *shurgs* confused about work since my manager told me i would have to cut fruit due to one of the girls being tested for covid but then after a cat nap ( had a head ache due to dog barking and people in the duplex next to us moving furniture in ) i woke up to him saying the girl came back negative it sounds and things will be back to normal so i don't know if that means i'm cutting fruit or not and trying to do coloring temples so i can spiffy my horror movie binder thing i was hoping to have most of it done before hand so i could work on my mood theme for my journal but the nap threw everything off
Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.