Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/19 15:34:29 )
urgh tomorrowwill be looong... and probably tiring for me...
just got a message from an autism mentor that she wants to meet for a safe distance walk with masks... 1 hour earlier than what I currently am used to wakig up, meaning I need to get up at least 2 hours earlier *facedesks*
Awe I had to do something similar before in the past also =w=
You really wake up from it but I was freezing my ass off also since it was freezing cold so nope
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/19 15:52:21 )
yeah we've had - 4 to - 8 c the past4-5 days so yeah it will be a litterally chill day... should probably prepare some hot water before I take off tomorrow so I can get some tea when I get indoor again
@TeaTales: Sounds like a good plan ^^
Bundle up nice and comfy~
@koneko: Ooh deer!
Do you live nearby a forest or something?
Sadly I don't see much wild creatures where I live but I've seen a few raccoons before tho