How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
Well tonight i normally play D&D on roll 20 but while i was at dinner a discord message was sent out saying the were canceled for the night. So guess that means depending on how long my mom is on the phone with a relatives wife (she was afraid after her husband died who was our relative people would cut her out of our life... which we aren't its one reason my mom is calling her ) American gods will be watched we are two eps behind this season so far. Can't wait to see how the show ends i know some things are changed some characters I hated in the book i love in the show and what not. But if we don't get to it tonight due to the huge snow storm coming my moms work canceled and are closed for the day so we can watch tomorrow. And hopefully I'll have my snail done tomorrow so i can do more drawing pratice.
Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.

Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.