Reaping Ritual Concludes
Virgil can't wait to get a break after all this commotion over the lost spell book!

Trick and Treat want to thank you for all your help.
The villain who stole the book and conjured all the imps has not been found,
but their friendship has been restored!
Important notes
-Expect the event forums to be archived no sooner than Noon (12:00 pm) Voltra time.
If you'd like your event thread to me moved, please notify me by PM before then.
-You have the rest of today and all of tomorrow to gather any last pages that Trick might have missed.
Expect page earnings to end on the 5th.
-The event shop will leave on the 6th. Make sure to spend all pages by the 5th!
Offer Letters
We had a handful of applicants for the open Mod and IT positions; it was not an easy decision!
Offer letters have been sent to those who we found most suitable for our current Voltra staff openings.
If you have any questions, please PM me.
New Commons!

November Crates!!!
This month we bring you the two monthlies, Autumnal Spruce and Magnificent Inspector!
When you open a crate you also have the chance at obtaining the rare set, Alice.
Alice will also be available in next month's December crate. So don't worry if your
luck fails you this month!

The November Crate will be available for 250 ohms until December 2nd, 2017!

Velvet has had such spooky nominations this past week!
The AOTW will be announced tomorrow and the nomination thread for spooky has been locked.
Head on over to the new week's nomination thread!
This week there is no theme and Velvet is just looking for the best of the best!
Also, a small change, it will be a community vote!
Tune in on Saturday November 11th to partake in the voting process.
More information to come.
Community Discussion - I'm so excited!!!
On Sunday, I will be hosting a community discussion on our discord server!
I love interacting with all of you on the site and I think it'll be just as fun actually speaking with you guys.
Other staff members will hopefully participate if their schedules allow.
It will start at approximately 5pm Voltra time OR 12pm Central Standard Time on Sunday 11/5
I will make an official announcement when I am live!
We have made such progress on multiple projects behind the scences
and we want to share some of that!
The discussion will include a QnA session, sneak peaks at future features,
and maybe even the next CIs!? Join us to find out!