How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
So i know a while ago i did a i'm not sure what to do . Well i'm moving on to the dragon shawl
Well actually it's bat/dragon wing shawl. But due to the day i'm kind of depressed so I thought i would post here while i work on it (and before my Dnd session) but if any one is interested
I got the pattern here
This is what she made with her pattern

I will be making two of them one for my niece and one for me but i'm going to be using three colors so

Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.

Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.