— She/Hungry
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/5 06:29:25 )
Have a glass ~ ?
@Lunakiri: :vanora_embarrassed: Sexy pants? Where did this come from!?
BUT I REGRET NOTHING, it's so pretty, Luna. :D I loove the galaxy theme you got goin'!
Donator — Female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/5 06:32:07 )
@Dowan: Well, when you feel like chatting a little. XD I know you're not the most chatty, but I thought you might like to see the thread at the very least =)
@Mica: What can I say? You've a sexy personality that I've seen~<3
I really gotta come chat with you in your thread again. XD
But I'm happy you like! Anarchist Beauty did ALL the thread graphics for me~<3
— She/Hungry
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/5 06:34:49 )
Have a glass ~ ?
@Lunakiri: Ehe, why thank you! :vanora_heart:
Haha yeah no pressure, I thought I was done with all the work then my exam is creepin' up so I HAZ TO STUDEE. But no omg, Anarchist did such a good job. :D It's sooo pretttty. I'm glad you also have a permanent shop, kukuku.
@Dowan: Thank-you! ^-^
I'm glad everyone seems to like them.
@Lunakiri: No prob, no prob.
Adding in an Affiliates post to Wonderland and I will add it there so others can feel free to use it if they want as well. ^-^
Also adding your thread there. :)
Donator — Female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/5 06:55:11 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Yeah, I saw someone else had done it, so I'm just sitting here like 'Why the hell not? It'll let me say hi to people I admire the work of, or the person themselves' kinda thing. XD
And cool! Thanks =)
And I'd love to see what other threads you link to in there.
//tends to stalk posts like that > >