Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/18 15:56:40 )
@Naeril: Gotta do what you gotta do, naps are great.
Was thinking about grabbing dinner but i noticed it's way too early for that so rip. :')
I always save often, make a mistake once or twice and you're not risking it again...
They are, i love how they're dedicated to tech and such, some are surprisingly wholesome too
Also the lil humor in ads/signs you come across is amazing
Yes loved both the BG music as well as the ones they used in the clubs
I regularly find myself going back to the soundtracks as well
It's also nice when like drawing or reading/writing or something in the same genre, really helps with the atmosphere!
Aha, i'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Like i played a few games or normal D&D before (am an absolute noob lol) but a game set in the world of darkness universe sounds so cool ;o;
So i just occasionally very subtly drop vtmb in conversations about games and such
So far i've gotten like 3 people to play it
Maybe that helps with future chances for an eventual campaign :'D