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Forums Role Playing Dragonlet's 1x1 Roleplay Search {Open}

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/11 01:24:01 )

Okay I still haven't posted... I will . I swear xD I'm just completely exhausted all the time and brain dead xD


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 20:57:11 )
Fae Says --->

@Shadami: asdfg idk why you keep apologizing lol I take way longer to reply than you do XD;;;

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Closed ATM~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 22:11:49 )

It feels like I take forever xD


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/19 21:33:16 )
Fae Says --->

@Shadami: haha I can take anywhere from a couple hours to a couple months to reply and I've always been like that so I guess I'm just more used to large gaps XD

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Closed ATM~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/20 09:14:24 )

Well than fantastic because I've been crazy busy lately XD


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/23 18:32:59 )
Fae Says --->

hey nerdos I want a couple more RPs (specfically dragon/rider or wizard/shapeshifting familiar[or a shapeshifter in general]) so hmu if you're down :3c

reply time varies, as stated in the main post ^-^;;;

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Closed ATM~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/19 19:03:08 )
Fae Says --->

*pokes thread sadly*
I'm alive again I swear! I finally have a working laptop again instead of needing it to be plugged into a tv or external monitor to work, so replies should be coming through more quickly

I'm still looking for a new roleplay with a dragon character! I wanna play a dragon again ;n; obviously the dragon has a humanoid form and a dragon form ascfdhjm

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/19 19:35:48 )
@littlewhitedragonlet: Hello! I'm interested in knowing more about the ideas you have for the WizardxMagical Humanoid/Shapeshifter


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/19 19:45:44 )
Fae Says --->

@Whimsy: I have...a couple! fantasy stories are my jam lmao
Idea 1: wizard kind of sucks at being a wizard, and they've been attempting the ritual to summon a familiar every couple months for the past 2 years, because if they have a familiar they have to be a real wizard, right?! So they try again, and to their shock, a familiar shows up! Except what the wizard doesn't know is the person they've been buying the ingredients needed for the ritual from this whole time is a shapeshifter and they just feel really bad for this poor bumbling fool who they can tell would be a pretty good wizard if they just like. developed some self confidence and/or did more with their magic that just trying to summon a familiar. SO they may or may not have tricked the wizard into telling them when/where they were going to try again and showed up in animal form. ITS FINE, THERE'S NO WAY THIS COULD GO WRONG

Idea 2: a wizard and a magical humanoid creature have been friends for a while but they want to travel somewhere and the airline is being rude about letting the magical humanoid on the plane so they "have" to pretend they're engaged/magically bonded because there's laws about separating the humanoid's species from their bonded partners. Now they have to pretend to be all lovey dovey and stuff, except they're both idiots who have been in love with each other for years but think the other isn't interested (Fake Dating, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love)

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/20 06:47:07 )

@littlewhitedragonlet: I really like Idea 1! The role of the wizard sounds like the kind of character I'd have a lot of fun writing


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/20 07:36:42 )
Fae Says --->

@Whimsy: yay! I love playing shapeshifters ngl, there's so many ways it can go wrong/right :vanora_xd:
did you want to do it leading to romantic or keep it platonic? any preference for the genders of the main characters?

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/20 16:59:32 )

@littlewhitedragonlet: Awesome :valsunglasses: I'm okay with either romantic or plantonic, whatever you prefer. If we decide on romantic though,. I like it to not be the focus of the Rp, keep it lowkey and a really slow burn xD and I like playing male characters but I don't have any preference for yours, so float your boat!


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/20 21:53:07 )
Fae Says --->

@Whimsy: oh for sure! Romance when one of them is an animal most of the time is uh. probably not gonna be possible until the beans are spilled. I was thinking like. shapeshifter has a little crush but they think making the wizard more confident in himself is way more important. besides, how do you start a relationship with someone who is sorta just like a...customer? friend??? owner? (they try not to think to hard about what exactly is going on. wizard being more confident and sure of themself is way more important and was like. the whole point of this stupidly impulsive decision anyway)

I'll probably go for a non-binary character just cause I don't have any currently in RPs XD

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/21 09:59:31 )

@littlewhitedragonlet: OMG. Yes to all of that!
shapeshifter has a little crush but they think making the wizard more confident in himself is way more important.

I'm melting.
So will we make little character profiles? And separate threads for the RP and for OOC discussion/planning?


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/21 20:21:00 )
Fae Says --->

@Whimsy: :vanora_icon:
yeeee! I like putting the character profiles at the top of the OOC thread, but putting them in the RP thread is fine too xD
do you want to make the threads or should I? :>

[align = center][color = white]x
[/ color][color =][size = 25]name[/ size][/ color][/ align]

[b ]Age:[/ b]
[b ]Birthday:[/ b]
[b ]Birthplace:[/ b]
[b ]Gender:[/ b]
[b ]Species/Sub-Species:[/ b]
[b ]Nationality:[/ b]
[b ]Short Bio:[/ b]

- optional -
[b ]Hair Color:[/ b]
[b ]Eye Color:[/ b]
[b ]Height:[/ b]
[b ]Weight:[/ b]
[b ]Birthmark(s):[/ b]
[b ]Scar(s):[/ b]
[b ]Tattoo(s):[/ b]
[b ]Piercing(s):[/ b]

[img ] here [/ img]

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/23 16:07:25 )

@littlewhitedragonlet: I made the threads! Here is the RP thread and here is the OOC.

roleplay search | tarot readings | buying ohms (pm me) | questing: styr

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/23 20:53:53 )
Fae Says --->

@Whimsy: perfeeeect! Alright, I'll type up a starter post today

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/24 02:52:45 )
Fae Says --->

@Shadami: I replied to yoooou~
I have RP replies in my schedule for Tues and Thurs lmao I'm trying to do it so it's like "okay I'll reply on Tues/Thurs, I should do homework/clean/eat something with that energy now instead"
of course if I skip a tues/thurs reply then that's also bad :vanora_xd:

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/28 10:36:03 )

@littlewhitedragonlet: good to know. I should do something like that too. My schedule is all out of whack still.

Hunny got me a bullet journal so I can try to get things sorted out. I just have to find my pens...

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/6 21:15:15 )
Fae Says --->

@Shadami: this week was out of wack for me cause we went to Vegas Tues-Thurs for my little brother's 21st birthday lmao I behind on homework TT-TT

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Fae | 27 | They/Them
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