@xvz: can def throw in a harvest deity as well!
who you choose to do as th couple/duo and the two solo busts is totally up to you! if you want some potential dynamics info about them to help you decide i can send some (i mean we haven't played them at all so KJHFKJ IT'S REALLY FAIR GAME but just kinda our thoughts based on the info we have of everyone)
Whichever style works the best for you will work

All your art is so gorgeous kgjhk and anything you decide to do will make all of us very happy
ghost can def do a bouncy pixel friend for you and kiwi will think of something hopefully very cool to do for the other part of the art trade.
all in all everything sound good as far as payments and art trades and such if it all works for you :vrecgry:
@cashew: thanks!
hopefully you'll get to play again soon!