Anyone else find these kinds of questions impossible to answer?
Twice in the past few weeks (and plenty of times before), someone has asked me "What kind of music do you like" and I'm just like... idk, the kind that sounds good? If I were to try answering that question, we'd be here all day! Then, scrambling for a way to keep the small talk going, they sometimes try to narrow it down by asking if I have a favorite band. "No, not really." And that's around when they tend to give up lmao. I guess I could have tried harder to be conversational; I could have said "I like things from most genres, but I somewhat favor metal", but that just gets us to the "So what's your favorite band" question all over again. :^P And let's not even get started on subgenres...
The avatar theme being "Your favorite color" got me thinking about this, as I realized I don't have a favorite color. I have a long list of favorites that are in constant flux, just like with pretty much everything else.
I can't really imagine liking just one that much more than every other one. Whether it's food, music, colors, animals, whatever... Is it really so rare to not have a limited number of preferences or to be unable to pick a singular favorite anything?
Twice in the past few weeks (and plenty of times before), someone has asked me "What kind of music do you like" and I'm just like... idk, the kind that sounds good? If I were to try answering that question, we'd be here all day! Then, scrambling for a way to keep the small talk going, they sometimes try to narrow it down by asking if I have a favorite band. "No, not really." And that's around when they tend to give up lmao. I guess I could have tried harder to be conversational; I could have said "I like things from most genres, but I somewhat favor metal", but that just gets us to the "So what's your favorite band" question all over again. :^P And let's not even get started on subgenres...
The avatar theme being "Your favorite color" got me thinking about this, as I realized I don't have a favorite color. I have a long list of favorites that are in constant flux, just like with pretty much everything else.
I can't really imagine liking just one that much more than every other one. Whether it's food, music, colors, animals, whatever... Is it really so rare to not have a limited number of preferences or to be unable to pick a singular favorite anything?