Donator — she/her
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/28 14:15:02 )
@count trashula: OMG, congratulations on moving! I read a bit through the earlier conversations to see what I missed. Are you excited to be moving or dreading it? Why are you moving? Is it a nicer area? Is the house nicer? How does it smell? Lol!
I just recently moved ~2 years ago and I'm going to be moving in another ~1 year. It is so stressful, but my job actually pays for the entire move, provides the shipping company, and movers come and pack everything up for me. I'm superr privileged I feel bad even saying it. Regardless, packing, moving, and organizing is always stressful. I feel like I always lose the scissors, always run out of tape, my sharpie runs out of ink, and I pack something that I meant to leave out to carry with me. It's a fun time lol, but always such a great feeling to be in your new space.